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What is the “Bermuda Triangle” does not need to tell anyone. There are so many publications, films, radio programs about him that anyone can go tell a couple of stories about the mysterious disappearance ship / aircraft in the zone limited to Bermuda, south tip of Florida and Puerto Rico. Of course, the Bermuda Triangle – the place is unique, but not the only one. Any specialist in abnormal zones will tell you about a dozen of the same mysterious places The first after Bermuda is always the Devil Sea.
Japanese Bermuda
Devil’s Sea is located in the Pacific Ocean between Japan, Philippine Islands and Guam Island. Since ancient times here disappeared fishing fragile little vessels. “Cursed place” called district locals. But who in Europe worried about the loss of the Japanese are the junks out there on the outskirts of the world? Everything changed in the 20th century, when Japan entered the category of industrialized states and in heavy waters began to ply its waters. Started to fade tankers, military destroyers and passenger liners.
Photo from open sources
In 1955, after 5 years in the Devil’s Sea 9 large ocean vessels disappeared, Japanese authorities equipped research vessel “Cayo Maru”, which was supposed to clarify this “dark matter”. August 11, “Cayo Maru” on the eyes of numerous eyewitnesses exploded 6 km. from the shore adding another secret to the treasury of the mysteries of the Sea of the Devil. Sailors dubbed the Pacific Ocean Cemetery, Japan officially recognized the area as hazardous to shipping.
After an official warning, the number of ships in the Devil’s Sea decreased significantly. But the ships continued to cross the dangerous zone, and in the quietest cloudless weather ships and planes disappeared, not even having time to broadcast “SOS”. Winter became the most tragic 1980/1981 – then in a week with a little 6 (!) Ships disappeared. Neither the coast guard nor the rescue expeditions could find debris, not a single crew member or passenger – neither living nor of the dead.
Photo from open sources
Looking for reasons
The circumstances of the loss of ships were studied by dozens of commissions, each of which presented an extensive report. Essence of all these reports boiled down to the fact that “the area is very dangerous for shipping.” Here dead swells and storms are frequent, Devil’s Sea is the first in number typhoons passing annually (up to 40 per year!), the area is full coral reef, there is a rapid current plus two chains underwater volcanoes – in the east and in the west. All these phenomena in aggregates may well be the cause of the death of more than a dozen ships, even without any anomalies. And they are in the Devil’s Sea. there is.
Anomalies of the Devil Sea
Since ancient times, local fishermen have noticed unusual phenomena in the area. The color of the water changed, water appeared above the surface of the ocean domes, suddenly there were severe storms. All this was attributed the action of a huge dragon living in the depths of the ocean.
Scientists who examined the Devil’s Sea did not find a dragon, but recorded gravitational and magnetic anomalies, attenuation radar signals, loss of radio communications and frequent failures navigation ship systems. People in the waters of the Devil Sea they feel lethargic, frustrated, they are covered by depression and fear. Dolphins, whales and albatrosses are rarely found in the area.
In August 1988, three Japanese lost in the Devil’s Sea jet fighter. In the last message, one of them reported observed “huge ball lightning bright red.” From the link the fighter was left with only a 1.5-meter stabilizer chip, found by a patrol ship.
Photo from open sources
All maritime powers strongly recommend their captains plot ships to bypass the danger zone. As for seafarers themselves, then real sea wolves continue to walk through The sea, accompanying each time its decision with an old saying “swimming on the sea is necessary, but to save life is not so necessary. ”
Bermuda Triangle Japan