A photo from open sources Japanese firm Shimizu announced plans build an underwater city with a length of 15 kilometers and a diameter of 500 meters. The main objective of the project is study of methods for extracting energy from the seabed. On the building a futuristic city will take only five years, reports the Washington Post.
A photo from open sources
“Due to rising oceans and changes climate, the issue of extraction of resources from the seabed every year becoming more relevant, “say the authors of the project Atlantis Judging by the frames published below, their underground city will be a giant spiral, the top of which will be hang around the surface of the water, and the foundation – go deep into sea bottom.
Atlantis will become both research and residential underwater station. Apartments will be located on its territory, shops and even hotels. The cost of the project will be about 26 million dollars. The project of the city of the future has already been supported by Japanese authorities, as well as some large research companies.
A photo from open sources