Japanese developers from Kiro Robot Project introduced a couple humanoid robots. The first – Kyrobo – will soon leave for orbit. And his partner Mirat will help him from Earth. Photo from open source video: © RT / photo: © RT Both the robots are small: their height is only 34 cm, and their weight is about a kilogram. However, they are able to communicate, execute commands, and even self-study in the process of work. Robot Kirobo and his Mirat’s double-mate able to independently move in zero gravity and respond to verbal commands and gestures. Both Android successfully tested in artificial zero gravity, which was created on board a special aircraft. A special pride of developers was the embedded system self-learning through which Kirobo and Mirata can support conversation with a person and gain new knowledge. It is assumed that in this August, Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata will take Kirobo with themselves on the ISS and for six months will train him in skills work in orbit. At this time, his partner Mirat will remain on Earth and will keep in touch.
Robots Japan