Japanese scientists argue that blood type affects the business and other characteristics of a person

Japanese scientists prove that blood type affects the business and other characteristics of a personA photo from open sources

There were times when no one knew about various blood types had, and the first attempts to transfuse it led to very sad the consequences. Then the doctors figured out what was the matter, and first they began to transfuse, given its compatibility and rhesus, then decided that the best result is achieved when transfusion of only the group that the victim has.

This medical science developed, however, the blood type always interested scientists not only in terms of her compatibility or incompatibility. As soon as this knowledge came in science, right before the scientific world a logical question arose – why people have different blood types, what is it connected with and how is it reflected on the state of health, psyche, mental abilities of a person and etc?

According to Today News, Japanese scientists, dating back to thirties of the last century, intensively studying this issue (The founder of this study is Furukawa Takeshi). AND here for many years of observations, experiments and tests of the star of science of the Country the rising sun came to interesting conclusions.

A photo from open sources

It turns out that the most active and business people possess the first blood group. These people are always leaders, they simply cannot to be obedient executors of someone else’s will, unquestioning engines of someone’s ideas. At best, they will gain experience and escape at the earliest opportunity, so that the knowledge gained is realized by discretion.

But people with a third blood group, according to scientists, possess the most nasty character, not allowing them to get along with any by whom and in no place. These are great egoists, although on the other parties, they are almost always creative personalities who disgust routine and conveyor lifestyle.

A photo from open sources

People of the fourth group are characterized by increased emotionality, it is from them that the most talented artists. But if these are not actors, then certainly great adventurers or even intriguers in life.

But the people of the second group demonstrate softness character, humility in everything. They are wonderful performers, cogs in public life. They can be godless exploit, easily convincing that thereby they bring a huge benefit of a company, public or even religious organization, well etc.

Amazing findings, isn’t it? One wants to exclaim: yes all this bullshit! And while everyone reading this note (or almost everyone) certainly feverishly recalls, but which group blood of himself.

But the Japanese themselves believe in this almost unconditionally. For example, by last year, according to the largest publisher Bungeisha Rising Sun Countries, Top Four Places in the Top Ten Japan’s bestsellers are books on how this or that blood type affects the character of a person, his business and other qualities …

Life Sun Japan

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