A photo from open sources
You can talk a lot about Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear) even in terms of medicine. Indeed, not a vegetable, but a pantry trace elements and all kinds of vitamins, which helps to cure many, many diseases. But at the same time Jerusalem artichoke is also beautiful a food product that will give one hundred points forward familiar to us potatoes that have their secrets.
You just need to get used to Jerusalem artichoke, so that once and for all introduce it into the diet instead of potatoes. That is, learn how to cook it, stew, fry, eat raw (unlike potatoes, it is also raw is good). What can I say for a long time, open the Internet – and forth: recipes for surprisingly delicious, wholesome, yes also with medicinal properties, dishes – the sea.
Jerusalem artichoke is generally an amazing product, it is tasty and healthy. – one, and almost free – two.
Let’s compare it with potatoes more thoroughly. Last – pure starch, which promotes only one thing – obesity. Someone rightly remarked that a potato has one the only virtue is delicious, everything else is harm and vain work. And a lot of work, if we consider all efforts and the cost of growing it.
Jerusalem artichoke is a solid benefit. Compared to nutritional value potatoes, and the taste is not much inferior to the latter – it’s still how to cook. But for the costs … Yes, for its cultivation in general no costs are required. Jerusalem artichoke is a weed that is still then try to get out of your garden.
Once you planted it in your own area, you can be sure – you will not be able to get rid of it. And you can dig it out as much as needed – the remaining tubers without any damage to qualities lie in the ground until spring: why cook for them storage? Not useful – let them grow further, only even more the harvest will be. Unlike thermophilic potatoes, earthen pear can lie in the ground under snow even in forty-degree frosts – and nothing will be done to her. Not a plant – but a unique one! And for all this weedy unpretentious Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent food and medical product.
A photo from open sources
In order not to list all of its useful and even individual articles of the rarest trace elements and vitamins, just say that the potato did not even dream of all this wealth.
And finally, watch a little video about Jerusalem artichoke, its healing properties and amazing ability to clean our an organism from any dirt that in our age of terrible gas contamination and shameless bullying a person with all kinds of chemicals and refined foods – just magical lifesaver.
Jerusalem artichoke is a product for everyone who wants to be healthy, young and live, as they say, happily ever after!
A photo from open sources