Judge for yourself: a hero or a stuntman?

Judge for yourselves: a hero or a stuntman?Photos from open sources of

The video shows the moment when a young man is recording (apparently for his girlfriend) a small “selfie” in which the emphasis is done on what he is going with friends at the moment for mushrooms and waiting for them …

Finding out what awaits the company of young mushroom pickers, the guy doesn’t managed: from the platform on which he stands, right behind him the stroller with the child suddenly rolls onto the rails, and this despite the fact that the train is approaching a stop at great speed.

Another minute – and the baby will simply die under the wheels of the locomotive. The guy who continues to be filmed by his comrade rushes down for some seconds before the disaster manages to raise the child again on platform, and he … pulls himself and is already rolling to the site literally a few centimeters from the train.

This record has become one of the most popular in recent days. on YouTube’s video hosting, but its attitude is ambiguous, many Internet users believe that this is fake, beautiful staged thing designed for empathy and our love for to children.

Although this happens all around, just look the next video, which shows how in early May this years was almost the same miracle prevented the death of the child under the wheels of the train. The video is quite extensive, with a story about what happened with the subsequent investigation conducted by journalists. But leave in this video only the first frames (obviously taken from trains) when guidebooks quickly run to railroad track to an unintentional child, and one of the men actually pulls out the baby from under the wheels, half would Internet users would call it – fake …

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