Photo from open sources
A resident of the Australian capital Jonathan Bishop flew last week on a paraglider and at the time of landing, became a participant at least an exciting and potentially dangerous event.
Dropping near a local space station apparatus, the man was suddenly attacked by a kangaroo. According to of our hero, he has landed in this place many times, however marsupials had never attacked him here before mammals.
Fortunately for users of the World spider webs, Jonathan captured this moment on a camera attached to his helmet.
By turning on the video below, you can see how paraglider goes down to the concrete platform. Notably that two kangaroos at this time ran away from the station, however, seeing a man, stopped. When Jonathan landed, the animals rushed to him, and one kangaroo hit Bishop the front a couple of times paws, before bouncing and heading further on your own affairs.
The Aussie wasn’t hurt because the hits were relatively harmless and only slightly spoiled the man’s jumpsuit. Not less, it is worth noting that the tail or hind punch of this marsupial can be fatal to humans. Kangaroos are stupid and often, as in the described case, aggressive. Green residents continent joke that these animals resemble drunkards, constantly asking for trouble and at the same time representing certain danger, because to predict that the “drunk” on mind, almost impossible …
Kangaroo time