Know: cows are much more dangerous than sharks!

Know: cows are much more dangerous than sharks!Photos from open sources If you read various statistical facts, you can to get a lot of interesting information about these or those chances to go to the ancestors. For example, find out what each we are far more likely to be killed in a meteorite fall than to hit the jackpot in any lottery. Or what carelessness when taking drugs every year more people die than from AIDS.

Employees of the state statistical bureau american State of Idaho analyzed information on causes of death in The United States over the past forty years and have come to the conclusion that Americans where cows are killed more often than sharks. It would seem that sharks are bloodthirsty marine predators – only crave how to try human flesh, while the cow is always the breadwinner and friend of any farmer families.

In fact, nine Americans die every year from shark teeth while cows send to the next world about fifty. At of this seventy-five percent of the killings they commit intentionally. That’s just no one makes horror films, where in the role of creepy The monster protrudes cattle.

Forty-seven-year-old Jack Boyle of Pocatello was at the beginning of this year. attacked by a group of cows. The incident cost the man a hand. Walking his dog near the pasture, he heard the clatter of approaching cows. Moving away from the road, so as not to interfere with the herd, Boyle noticed that the brutal animals rush right to him, although good reason to hate they hardly had a local teacher.

The man lay down on the ground and curled up so that demonstrate all your loyalty to running on herd, but the cows did not run past, but stopped and began kicking him, as well as trying to pry his body on the horns. Animals already crushed the bones of the left arm by the time help arrived in the person of a neighbor with a gun.

Therefore, you should be careful when near cows. Animal advocates say aggressive behavior is the result of people’s misconduct animals, however, this statement in no way solves the danger of collisions with cows.

Do you know that drinking milk is harmful for children?

Sharks Time

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