Knowledge and skills learned to load directly brain

Knowledge and skills learned to load directly the brainPhoto from open sources

Scientists from the United States are convinced that relatively in the near future, our civilization will learn through complex electronics to load any skills and knowledge directly into the human brain. Learn, say, programming or culinary excellence will be as simple as brief take a nap during the day.

Surprisingly, American experts have already achieved the first success in this area. An article on their achievements has been published. recently in the popular science journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. ”

The authors of the study were employees of the scientific laboratory “HRL Laboratories “, based in California. For the experiment were experienced pilots are selected, as well as ordinary people who have nothing knew about the planes. Pilots were placed in flight simulators and put on them special helmets with electrodes on their heads that read everything occurs in the brains of specialists. Experimental wishing to master control of flying equipment, put on other helmets that sent signals from pilots to their brains.

There was also another group consisting of the same unaware of the work of the aircraft people, but they are not had no effect. After some time, newcomers from both groups were put in simulators and asked to fly. Those experimental participants who received brain signals professionals, did a good job, not perfect, of course, however, almost thirty percent better than experimental subjects from another groups.

A photo from open sources

Knowledge loaded into the brain will not differ from obtained by traditional methods

Thus, scientists concluded that electrical stimulation of the brain allowed people who never sat at the controls of an airplane, get certain machine control skills from specialists, engaged in this all my life.

Matthew Philipps, one of the authors of the study, says: “Our system is the first of its kind. In words, of course, sounds like pure fantasy, however there is a real scientific basis to create similar technologies. We hope that such a breakthrough with time will allow science to learn how to quickly and efficiently load into human brain any knowledge. In theory, finish school or college will be available in weeks or even days. ”

All this really looks like some kind of science fiction. For example, in the famous film trilogy “The Matrix” the protagonist of everything in a few seconds they load various skills from a computer into the brain martial arts, and his companion takes possession of the same instantly helicopter control.

Time Aircraft

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