Korean teacher ate in front of children hamster

The Korean teacher ate a hamster in front of the childrenPhoto from open source South Korean boarding officer by last name Yu is accused of abusing students. The man did not beat pupils and did not even scold them. Instead a strange teacher right in the lesson I picked up a cool hamster, then chewed and swallowed an animal. Many children contemplating a teacher with dripping from the mouth with blood, were really shocked.

The incident occurred in the city of Chonype. Forty-four-year-old teacher in a local boarding school decided in such an unusual way demonstrate the value of life to students. For this the teacher was accused of cruelty, though not in relation to alive hamster eaten, and in relation to frightened children. Earlier Yu repeatedly accused of using foul language in the classroom, however, he never swore at his students. Moreover, the man considered a highly qualified and talented teacher, however some of his tricks puzzled the pupils, others teachers and boarding school administration. For example, at the end of the past years, the teacher led the children to the city cemetery to clean up strangers graves, although the school director did not appoint such events.

The teacher apologized to the pupils for eaten the hamster and explained his act by the fact that children often tormented the animal, not wanting to leave alone, and this instead protect and save the animal, say, from a cat. Unable to influence on the students, Yu decided to simply eat a hamster in front of them eyes to demonstrate that a defenseless rodent, in contrast from a person, can easily die, and no one will be before him death matters.

No one really mourned the hamster, however, experts like apparently seriously worried about the psyche of children and professional suitability teachers.

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