Lakes you can’t live with

Lakes you cannot live withA photo from open sources

In the world there are many lakes and ponds that are known as enchanted. They are possess incomprehensible properties and exhibit paranormal activity. Several such strange lakes lurk in the mountains Cordillera Azur (Blue Mountains). This ridge runs parallel Andam and abounds in the cold lakes around which the Indians live Quechua. There, at an almost sky-high height, lies Lake Gaipo. Local Indians repeatedly observed luminous objects falling into the lake or, conversely, flying out of the water. Their form is very different -balls, ovals, rectangles, rings. These unknown guests are free penetrate the water column, freeze and slowly move into a few centimeters from the surface of the lake, and then either rush into the sky with lightning speed, or slowly float up along slopes framing the Gaipo Mountains. Indians believe that these are witches and sorcerers who took on a radiant appearance, going hunting for innocent victims. They say that one day their fellow tribesman was struck by lightning cast out by one such luminous object, and could not move until a strange object disappeared without a trace. Another time, an old Indian woman gathering brushwood suddenly saw over lake of fire disk. And although he was quite far away, a woman clearly felt the waves of hot air coming from this incomprehensible subject. In October 1994, Susan Smith, a young mother from Union, North Carolina, deliberately allowed her a car rolls down from a boat dock into Lake John D. Long. Michael and Alex, sons fastened to the back seat Susan, drowned. She received a life sentence. Two years later, from the same pier, another car crashed into the lake, in which sat three adults and four children. She spontaneously swept between the monuments to Michael and Alex Smith. All seven passengers drowned, one of the eyewitnesses tried to save them, but choked and died too. According to locals, misfortunes occurred for one single reason: Lake John D. Long bewitched. One of the most notorious killer lakes – Whitney – located in Texas, north of the town of Waco. For many years now in Whitney rolls off a variety of cars from mooring bridges. Police divers found several on the muddy bottom of the lake dozens of cars, but it’s amazing that they’ve never found human of the remains! Many of the cars simply did not have to slide into water – their parking brakes were on, as was the case with the machine Susan Smith in North Carolina. In the years 1974-1975 on the shore of the lake Whitney landed two UFOs, leaving scorched on the ground bald spots. Hasn’t the lake become a killer since these times? … Mohammed Musa Abdulahi woke up Saturday morning sick and lethargic. On the eve of he felt bad and lay down right in the school building. Abdulahi wandered to the house and suddenly noticed that on the streets of his village, in northwestern Cameroon, frightening silence reigns. Roads and courtyards Subum was littered with corpses. People lay as if they died on the go or in the middle of a conversation with a neighbor. All the dogs died, all the cattle, dead birds and insects fell from the trees. So August 21, 1986 years in a village on the shores of Lake Nios killed 11 family members Abdulahi and another 1700 of his fellow tribesmen. He himself survived because was in a closed office, in a school built on a hill. Nios – a lake of extraordinary beauty – surrounded mainly by cultivated fields, picturesque cliffs and green hills. Pearl gray the surface is calmly calm, but in the depths it goes continuously accumulation of explosive forces. Nios is a crater once active volcano, after the eruption of which five centuries ago at the bottom magma plug remained. She cooled down and pressed under water pressure. There are many such lakes around the world, but only two capable of killing all life on their shores. The second lake – Monone – located 95 kilometers southeast of Nyos. And both of them are ready explode at any time. Due to deep volcanic activity that continues until now, carbon dioxide constantly rises through the pores in igneous rock. Meets with groundwater, dissolves in and with them falls into the lake. In the bottom layers of the lake accumulates hellish a mixture that does not mix with the upper layers. Usually in crater lakes water is periodically mixed, sparkling water rise to the surface and gases without harming the environment scattered in the atmosphere. But in Nyos and Monone, the boundary between the layers not broken. The gas continues to saturate the deeper layers of water, while some external event will not disturb them. It can be strong wind and waves, unusually cold weather (then the upper layers of water cool and sink to a depth), landslide or earthquake. Part of the deep water rises from the bottom, carbon dioxide is released rises up from the solution and bubbles up, dragging along with itself more bottom water. Inertia, the process is fast growing: several bubbles turn into a stream of gas, and, finally, like from an open bottle of champagne, highly carbonated water fountain breaks up. In 1986, in Nyos, such a “fountain” hit a height of 80 meters, and everything around was drowned in a cloud of carbon dioxide gas. Heavier, twice as heavy as air, gas descended to the shores lakes and strangled all life in its path. When in August 1984 Monone Lake exploded, killing 37 people. Lake Nios is bigger and deeper, so his deadly power can carry away much more lives. A gas cloud spreads around speeds of more than 70 kilometers per hour and quickly gets even to villages located 20 kilometers from the lake. The last one to die from the explosion of Nyos, there was a girl who came down the morning after the eruption from a hill to a hollow filled with gas. Nyos Lake is a must explode again. According to the latest data, now in the lake twice more carbon dioxide than there was during the previous explosion (0.4 cubic kilometers now and only 0.17 cubic kilometers in 1986 year). A catastrophe could destroy a fragile dam in the north parts of the lake, and then its waters will escape to the territory of Nigeria, where more than 10,000 people will flood settlements. Despite the fact that after the 1986 disaster, 3,500 people were evacuated from shores of the lake and settled in safe areas, many again returned – they are attracted by the fertility of the land and rich vegetation. Corn fields in the south approach the water itself, in cattle grazing on the hillsides Fulani tribe. In addition, in the early 90s, some European researchers released into a fishless, long poisoned their the inhabitants of the tilapia lake – fish from the cyclides breed. This experiment led to the fact that the fish bred in huge quantities, and locals are seriously interested in fishing. 10 years ago Cameroon has arrived an international group of scientists to explore deadly lake and, if possible, find a way to rid it of poison gas accumulating in the depths. But remoteness from large settlements complicates the task: to carefully study, and moreover, it is still impossible to degass the lake. Although the degassing project exist, there is no money for it. It didn’t help to collect them even UNESCO assistance. After all, charities are more accustomed to correct the consequences of disasters that have already happened, not prevent them. Scientists offer a very simple procedure degassing of the lake – bring a pipe to the bottom to give gas outlet. Preliminary tests have already been carried out, and not only on Nyose, but also on the second deadly lake – Monone – exploded for a few months before Nios. The outlet pipe is fully triggered. A the government is concerned about another problem – it does not succeed dispel rumors stubbornly walking in Cameroon, as if on Nios tested an Israeli or American neutron bomb, while people think so, they will boldly return to the dangerous for completely different reasons for the place. Source: “Interesting newspaper. Incredible” №12


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