A photo from open sources
If alcohol lovers at one time was struck and pleased invention of vodka that doesn’t give a hangover the other day then the current discovery in this regard seems even more surprising. It turns out vodka can only be driven out of water and air.
This is the amazing result scientists have achieved. Air Co (UK), in which case it is taken from the air carbon, the excess of which creates so dangerous on our planet the greenhouse effect. That is, two birds with one stone are almost immediately killed, which is impossible on the hunt, but in science – quite …
This is what Air Technical Director and Co-Founder says. Co Stafford Sheehan:
The principle of creating vodka from air and water is very similar to photosynthesis that plants use, but it happens more efficiently and effectively. It doesn’t need huge sowing areas for the same wheat, irrigated systems, various enzymes, complex distillation and purification of alcohol obtained during fermentation, leading to pollution and destruction of the environment. In this ethanol is obtained in the purest and without any distillation. Remains dilute it to classic vodka using various technologies of this process, which allow to obtain a drink of the right concentration, taste and even a hangover effect.
Moreover, a machine that creates ethanol from water and air, the size of just with a small room, but it can be replaced by a huge factory ethyl alcohol production. This little installation, if it Replace all similar processing plants, practically capable of save the planet from an oversupply of CO2.
Well, the last nice addition to all that was said: such a small machine runs on solar energy so from a point Ecological view – it’s just a godsend!
The only thing that adds a spoonful of tar to the ointment is the notorious and long-irony concept of “British scientists, “because in this case such a startling discovery was made they are …
Water Plants