Latest news from Sergey Apin: What was error…

A photo from open sources

Hello everybody! Today I want to open you the results investigation of his mistake with the date of K.S. 2012 Review showed that during the year I received 4 signs pointing to another date, but misinterpreted them. It became possible only because that date is 13.11. was so well supported that I didn’t even doubts arose, and I interpreted the signs as punishment for lack of activity. However, these were punishments for mine. stupidity and indications for a completely different date. But this is me now. I understand, and then … In signs, space pointed me to 01/09/13 also pointed to my error for exactly 60 days. When i counted 60 days back from 9/01/13, I received 11/11/12, and when I applied January is the date of the new moon, then received 01/11/13. And it turned out that 2 November dates and January 2 dates are apart by exactly 60 days and everything repeats again, only without eclipse. The moon will just turn out just below the sun, but nevertheless in its place. Some already asked me how I can trust AiF and even Gerado Aldan who calculated the error of the calendarists in 60 days? But it’s not at all in him and his righteousness. Just space used it to giving me a sign, whether he is right or not, is completely indifferent to me. I I do not urge anyone to believe me so to speak for the last time, because I perfectly understand that I have lost your confidence, but nevertheless considered your responsibility to share with you. Recall that Sergey Apin predicted the Entry of Planet Earth into the axis of the Galactic The Correcting Ray and the End of the 5th Sun Era November 14, at 2:12 (MSC) 13 november 2012 22:12 (GMT)

The sun

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