Learn to let go of your desires: only this case they are executed!

Learn to let go of your desires: only in this case they will be fulfilled!A photo from open sources

First, let’s decide what it means to “let go of your desire “, why this should be done and how to implement it. Imagine that desire is a little bird: you want it hold it and grip it in a fist … In this case, fragile a singer can only sympathize, is not it? Bird cage also will not be as happy as at large. And therefore, if we if we really want something, it’s better to let go of your desire, so that it got a chance to be fulfilled.

Desires need to be recorded

It’s best to write down your desires, and it’s good to have them turned out to be no less than a hundred. Then you can spend a kind inventory, prioritize, discard something, something set aside for later, and perhaps add something.

By writing down our desires and dreams, we begin to better understand which ones are really ours, and which ones are imposed on us by fashion, the opinion of other people, society as a whole.

A photo from open sources

Desires in which our true needs are expressed, run faster and easier. Especially if at this time we are not running in another direction, trying to catch up with any mirage. Besides of this, come true, such desires add strength to us, give us inspiration, bring to a qualitatively new level of consciousness and life. Of course, finding “your” in our world is not always easy, however letting go of one’s own desires is easier than inspired by someone (no external pressure).

Our desires and our opportunities

Unfortunately or fortunately, but the realization of our desires is not always depends on us. Therefore, it is so important to learn to trust God and give him the right to decide what we really need. After all, he knows better what man is ready for and what not, what will bring good, and what is harm. To put it simply, we kind of write a statement on the name of his leader, and he makes the final decision. When you hold that position, you let go of desire.

A photo from open sources

All of the above does not mean that, “making an application”, you can sit down and lower your legs, immerse yourself in idle waiting. Not without reason they say that the Creator has no hands other than ours, and therefore we are on in fact, we are the smiths of our happiness. However, the blacksmiths, who are well aware that the “salary” will come to them from above – such what they deserve. Thus, we work, fulfill our duty, but God rewards us.

Desires must follow thanks

But we forget about this, as a rule. We think more often about what we lack, than what has already been given to us. But given much. Do you have housing, even if not your own and not separate? A millions of people live in basements, on the streets, in landfills. You do not starving, do you have loved ones, relatives? You can walk speak, hear? You see how much you have about everything others can only dream and what you never appreciated for dignity.

A photo from open sources

Therefore it is so important to be thankful and constantly broadcast it feeling in the outside world. When we feel gratitude dreams come true faster. Remember the heroine of a famous fairy tale Pushkin, left with a broken trough, and act with accuracy vice versa. And then you will feel how the tension decreases, anxieties go away, life becomes happier and easier, desires begin performed as if by themselves. And until they are fulfilled, you calmly and confidently move your course, not trying to grab peace by the throat and knowing for sure: at the right time the seeds you sowed will give good shoots.


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