A photo from open sources
Petersburg and the Leningrad Region may already be under water towards the end of the century.
WWF specialists made a sensational statement. According to them, by the end of the century, the level of the oceans may climb one meter, and then St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will be under water.
Perhaps the current abnormally warm winter that broke right away several temperature records – clear evidence the development of just such a scenario. Is this so, AiF Petersburg asked the experts.
People are to blame
Sergey Chicherin, Deputy Director for Research Geophysical Observatory. A.I. Voeikova, believes: everything that we observe now – no more than the vagaries of nature.
– Even long-term weather anomalies do not indicate climate change. For one month, season or even year, you can’t make exactly no conclusions. It takes decades observations. But in the scientific world community, the prevailing opinion is that global warming is going on today. Recognized this phenomenon and the World Meteorological Organization at the UN. IN to a large extent this is due to human intervention, emission of CO2 and methane gases into the atmosphere. Which are worth noting long stored in the atmosphere. Even if today all the countries of the world cease greenhouse gas emissions, still the process of global warming will continue for some time by inertia.
Heat goes away
Yuri Kutkevich, head of the training bureau of weather forecasts Russian State Hydrometeorological University, I do not quite agree with a colleague:
– I am inclined to believe that warming and cooling are observed on background of a certain cyclical nature. All this has already happened in nature. Such winters with little snow, with rain and temperatures above average, there were – and in St. Petersburg, and in Russia. For example, from the beginning of the past century and until the 40s, the temperature rose, then there was relative cooling until 1975, then again a sharp increase temperatures until 2010. After which some lowering. In 2011, the winter in the region turned out to be very snowy and cold, the city literally swept. So I would not say that we are getting warmer and warmer. So this year has not yet the approach of a real spring, sustainable warming is visible. Current temperature increase is only a certain period within the cycle. You cannot call him superglobal. Somewhere it appears more – melting ice in the Arctic, in the northern hemisphere of the planet, somewhere in no way makes itself felt – in the Antarctic region no one is melting. There is an opinion of reputable scientists that if global warming and was, it is already ending or will end soon. Then the opposite trend will begin.
Ksenia Yakubovskaya
Water Global Warming Russia