Let’s say a good word about sugar

Say a good word about sugarPhotos from open sources of

We once wrote that salt should not be reckoned in the “white death” if only for the simple reason that it is very necessary for the human the body, another thing is how much it needs to be consumed, because foolish, as they say … However, as it turned out now, and sugar far from being defined – white death.

As scientists from Boston found out, sugar is great prophylactic and even simple but very effective medicine for atherosclerosis. For the ignorant, we clarify:

Atherosclerosis is very dangerous and quite common disease affecting blood vessels when cholesterol and fatty deposits form on their inner walls in the form of round plaques with torn edges, which gradually complicates the passage of blood, or even completely blocks the blood flow, and this is already leads to death. And at the present time due to incorrect nutrition (refined food), motionless lifestyle and so further, atherosclerosis is becoming more and more “younger”.

American scientists tried to inject sugar into the blood vessels clogged with atherosclerosis plaques. To their surprise sugar not only suspended the formation of deposits on walls, but also fantastically quickly cleared the vessels. That is sugar turned out to be an excellent cure for this terrible disease of our century.

A photo from open sources

Continuing to study the positive properties of sugar, scientists Boston University concluded that sugar is not only cleanses the circulatory system, but also strengthens the human immune system, therefore, reckoning him a “white death” was unforgivable a mistake.

Actually, today it’s even hard to find who, when and for what awarded sugar with such an unflattering characteristic, however if address the issue of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, then you will certainly come across a warning that sugar is needed replace with honey or at least reduce its consumption to minimum – and then a whole list of horror stories about sugar. However pay attention to the elderly: they intuitively start drinking tea is sweeter and sweeter, why would it? ..

Sugar and proper nutrition

By the way, about proper nutrition. Online is easy find the records of an experienced raw foodist of a certain Nicholas, who in his “crystal clear organism” experienced how he reacts to adoption of non-food products products. So, not the slightest Nikolai did not feel the negative impact from sugar and from boiled buckwheat, as if it were a raw food diet, although in the first case – “white death”, in the second – heat treated food.

So not everything in this life is unambiguous, for example, zealous champion of a healthy lifestyle, incorrigible raw foodist actor Savely Kramarov, who even went on a visit with his “right” food, died at age 60 from cancer. By the way, he tried not to sugar and salt to use at all is white death …

A life

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