“Get rid of ailments, increase yield and increase strength materials can be done in one simple way, “the inventor from Bryansk region. He dreams of healing all Russians. Yes what Russians – he has a global business! Photo from open sources This is what the “Malushin pipe” looks like for water magnetization Against toxins Back in the 80s Brochure caught the eye of engineer Grigory Malushin “Magnetization of water systems.” Author, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Klassen, analyzed how the physicochemical properties of water change when exposed to magnetic fields. And most importantly, what practical such water can find application? According to the professor Classa, pretty wide. “The main idea: magnetized water rejuvenates and heals the body, – says Gregory Fedorovich. – Our body consists of cells that have membranes. Through they receive oxygen and all nutrients. But with age membranes are covered with a film of salts and slags – metabolism disturbed, there are tumors, ulcers, other diseases. And the water exposed to magnetic fields, dissolves these toxins. She becomes biologically active, increases the rate of reactions and improves the permeability of cell membranes. You can just drink this water, prepare soups, cereals on it, make tea. Can take bathtubs (skin and joint diseases will go away) or rinse your mouth (bleeding of gums will stop, toothache will disappear stone) “. Grigory Fedorovich, who once worked as a chief engineer at a factory in Dyatkovo, he took up the magnetization of water at home. I installed magnets on the water pipes in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Equipped with these simple devices capacities for storing liquids. Even the water to irrigate the garden he now passes through the magnetic field. He says that productivity has increased 1.5 times! But the main change is still related to health. “First, the heart ceased to junk. It used to catch, valves worked poorly, and now everything is all right. Secondly, leg veins have passed, only small traces remained. Thirdly, got rid of prostatitis. Anyway, I forgot what a cold and snot! ”
Photo from open sources “Pipe Malushina” Soon getting married! “The beneficial effects of magnetic fields were known back in antiquity: Cleopatra wore a magnet amulet to keep youth and beauty. In modern Japan, such products approved by the Ministry of Health. In the USSR, research in the field of magnetotherapy conducted in 80 institutes, many positive results, but the fundamental science of his word never she said. That is, a consensus on the effect of magnetic fields on scientists haven’t worked out a human being. “I shoveled the mountain of scientific literature, went to the regional library, made copies, – Malushin opens a cupboard cluttered with folders to the top. – People in those days dissertations defended on this topic, really lied? But the best evidence that the method works is practice. All who uses my devices, became healthier, to the extent that they stopped hair loss. My sister is 83 years old, she has the pressure has stabilized. We are now the oldest people in our area. What other evidence is needed? “Malushin provides all relatives, friends and neighbors “manual devices” for magnetization of water. So he calls plastic bottles with magnets mounted on them. It is recognized that there is a small secret: he adds plates of nickel, chrome, gold and silver – metal ions enhance the healing effect of water. Total manufactured more than a hundred of such “devices”. Moreover, received a patent for an invention and several environmental certificates. “There is data that, if concrete is kneaded on magnetized water, it strength will increase by 25%. In the production of red bricks and ceramics, their strength can also be increased by 40%. This is me personally checked at a local factory. Going to set up production devices for magnetizing water, but it didn’t work out, ”he waves his hand. But at home he uses an electric massager with a magnetic nozzle (as soon as he grabbed his back or got a headache, immediately he includes) and even … sleeps on magnets! They are laid on the bed under mattress in dozens of rows. And near the bed I notice erotic magazines with nude beauties. “Yes, there is such a thing. I am 73, and I getting married soon. The device still works! – winks Malushin. -In general, I want to live up to 100 years. And then we’ll see … “Andrey Burmistrov, neurologist:
Photo from open sources – Magnetotherapy recognized as medical method and is used in many clinics. And the devices that treat exposure to a magnetic field, have certificates of the Ministry of Health. True, we are still talking about the impact of the field itself, and not passed through him water. Magnetotherapy affects metabolic processes, functional activity of individual organs and systems. She It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect, improves psychophysical and emotional state, normalizes sleep. With its help, even addiction and alcoholism are treated. Is applied she and with some oncological diseases. True to to achieve tangible results, 30-60 procedures are needed. Dmitry Vladimirov
Water Life