A photo from open sources In Poland, they came up with their liquid armor. Scientists Warsaw Institute MIAT together with a research center Moratex demonstrated new body armor, in which instead traditional materials, say Kevlar, uses a special liquid – STF (Shear-Thickening Fluid).
The unique liquid metal of such armor hardens upon impact, thanks to which it easily provides super reliable protection against bullets, reaching speeds of four hundred to five hundred meters per second.
According to scientist Marcin Chipper from the Moratex Center, protection at Liquid armor is much more reliable. She doesn’t just stop bullet, but also dissipates the energy of the impact, thereby almost one hundred percent protecting the internal organs of a person from the negative exposure and any damage. But such body armor has and another advantage – they are more flexible and therefore do not constrain human movement.
According to the scientist, such liquid armor can not be used only in bulletproof vests demounted by their scientific center, but also for the manufacture of, say, bumpers in cars from aggressively customized drivers, various road fences, unique equipment for athletes and many other purposes.
By the way, we note that Russian scientists two years ago demonstrated their liquid armor, but generally in the world Researchers in many countries are working hard to create smart liquid metal, which the scriptwriters had anticipated science fiction film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”.