Photo from open sources
Our world is a real storehouse of mysteries and secrets, however the average layman encounters them so rarely and most often just “tangent”, which usually does not pay for such incidents of serious attention, hiding from such miracles as armor, your rationalistic thinking: it cannot be, it seemed better to throw it out of your head, and they would consider it crazy, well, and etc. However, some cases so knock people out of their usual rut of life that their fantastic stories about these strange events become widely publicized.
Fantastic story first
This happened in 1974 in Washington. That summer day Martin J. left his office to head home. He left the building, I looked through my eyes for my car, a little surprised that it was not on its place. In addition, the appearance of the “iron swallow” seemed American is somewhat strange, or rather, for some reason, his I took my native car as a stranger: something in it was wrong.
The man opened the car, got behind the wheel and already wanted to start the engine, however … his ignition key did not fit. Here the American even somewhat confused, until he realized that in his car, apparently, someone had visited him, trying to steal a car. Martin right there went back to the office to call the police about what happened. But here, too, real shock therapy awaited him: in the lobby turned out to be a familiar telephone booth, moreover, itself the decoration of the hall was completely different. In a panic, a man ran into his the floor, however, did not find his office on it, everything looked quite another, a stranger, as if a man was in a strange building.
A photo from open sources
Literally stunned by what was happening, Martin J. again went on the street and … suddenly I saw: the world familiar to him, finally, came back. His car stood still, it seemed already native, and when an American climbed into her salon, then the ignition key is easy approached, and the car, as they say, started up with a half-turn. American left a sigh of relief and go home …
Fantastic story two
It was 1978. In the Swiss clinic for the mentally ill entered pregnant Brigitte H. She spoke in horror completely incredible things.
According to the woman, her husband recently died in a car accident, she, already on the demolitions, she almost went crazy with this tragedy. The funeral took place for her like a nightmare, she’s her future represented very vaguely and didn’t want anything, constantly praying God, so that he at least somehow helps her or takes her along with the child to yourself. And so her nightmares dragged on day after day …
A photo from open sources
But once returning from work, she saw a spouse who I sat quietly in the kitchen and had dinner. After some minutes confusion, and on the part of Brigitte is almost pure insanity, she realized that her husband was alive and well. The man admitted that he really got into an accident, but escaped with a slight startle.
Upon hearing of his funeral, her husband was extremely surprised at this, trying to dissuade his wife in her slight insanity. They did not convince Brigitte to that she obviously dreamed all this, neither relatives nor neighbors. The pregnant woman went to the cemetery and there, understandably case, did not find the grave of the “buried spouse.”
That is why relatives, fearing for the condition of the child whom Swede wore under her heart, put Brigitte in a mental hospital. However, the doctors determined that the woman was completely healthy, and therefore already the next day she was discharged from the clinic, saying that it was not their care to sort out some fantasies and dreams …
Fantastic story three
Elena Khazaryan from Rostov-on-Don in 1996 told reporters that mysterious things constantly happen to her. Once at work, she suddenly clearly saw (as on the screen) that her mother lies unconscious on the floor. The benefit of her work was next to apartment, Elena immediately rushed home, where she found mother really lying on the floor: she had a stroke.
A photo from open sources
And another time, one evening, a woman had just seen her son on the street and sat watching TV. Suddenly hears: in the front door the key is turned, the son returned for something. However no one entered to the apartment. Elena jumped in bewilderment into the hallway, and there she stands son. But some strange – faded, as if in a fog. And this one the “ghost” has become even paler, paler, and indeed dissolved in air.
When the son returned home and heard the mother’s story about all this, he admitted that he had actually forgotten something and was even returned, but stood near the entrance, stood and … changed his mind to go up an apartment. It turns out that Elena Khazaryan managed to see (or even materialize somewhat) the intention of his son. Something else it is simply impossible to explain such a vision …
Fantastic Story Four
This is what the journalists of the Trud newspaper wrote in 2000. Some Olga G. told them that something had happened to her younger sister curious case. The girl went for a walk and forgot the key. Through returned with a friend for some time and started calling the apartment, but the mother who promised that she would be home all day, so the door to them and did not open. The girls had to go for a walk again.
Two hours later, after walking up, they again returned to the closed doors, but this time there were no problems. On the first doorbell opened to them. And the mother was very surprised by the daughter’s story, because I haven’t heard any calls before, although I haven’t went away from home and did not even turn on the TV.
I then laughed, Olga says that sister with her girlfriend, they say, fell into a parallel dimension, in where the apartment was empty – that’s nobody opened …
A photo from open sources
She laughed, when suddenly … after a while with me something similar happens. Once I came home, put it on my a desk just bought a fashion magazine, hastily dined and I ran to the institute for classes. I’m returning home in the evening, and the magazine not in place. No one, neither mom nor sister, saw him or took him. But not even the most amazing thing. It turns out they were all day at home and did not go anywhere even for a minute. I didn’t notice them. in the apartment, when did you come running for lunch? Where did I fly to that moment and where is my fashion magazine now? ..
These are such small trips to parallel worlds that, Apparently, these sisters committed. It happens! ..
Time Parallel Worlds