Little porridge ate – a good phrase that characterizes healthy person

Few porridge ate - a good phrase that characterizes a healthy personA photo from open sources

Probably every Russian-speaking heard the winged expression “little eating porridge, which means that a person is physically weak. However, as modern science proves that just porridge doesn’t bring us either strength, no health.

First, all cereals consist of cereals with a high content carbohydrates, which contributes to the appearance of overweight in humans and unnecessary mucus in the body. And it’s not worth it for complete people abuse porridge – any.

Moreover, many favorite oatmeal contains, for example, phytic acid, which promotes excessive leaching from body calcium. Rice porridge and side dishes from this cereal contribute to an increase in blood sugar, which is why they in no case do not use for diabetics. Rice porridge is fraught with other ailment – the appearance of kidney stones.

Even known as very healthy buckwheat porridge. adversely affects the kidneys and is also harmful to diabetics, and therefore can seriously harm people’s health prone to this common disease in our time.

Hypertensive patients are also better off giving up on porridge, principle – from any, but especially from manna. However, how Scientists say today, semolina is dangerous even for a healthy man, since there is nothing but pure starch in it, she also interferes with the body’s absorption of vitamin D and leads to fragility bones. Unfortunately, semolina is still considered the best porridge for children, and parents do not even understand why their child catastrophically grows fat and constantly sick …

By the way, we add one of the founders of a healthy (separate) Herbert Shelton, once wrote in his writings that vegetarians would do less harm if they moderately ate meat, than mindlessly eat cereals. And today this statement American naturopath scientifically substantiated modern researchers.


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