Living conditions on Earth in the coming decades worsen. The “discovery” of scientists

Over the coming decades, living conditions on Earth sharply worsen as a result of global climate change. These are disappointing findings of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on climate change (IPCC). Their report will be published in March. 2014 year.

Living conditions on Earth will worsen in the coming decades.A photo from open sources © Brisbane | Project The document was at the disposal of a number of American media. Excerpts the report cites the agency ITAR-TASS. According to group forecasts experts, the number of victims will increase during the 21st century floods, wildfires, epidemics, and famine. Will suffer first turn residents of the poorest countries on the planet. Reduction fit for Human habitation of territories will cause military conflicts. The struggle for fresh water sources will intensify. Photos from open sources

© James Mattil |

In some regions of the Earth, a combination of high temperature air and increased humidity will represent mortal danger to people if they are outside closed premises, scientists say. As we reported earlier, global warming causes dwarfism in mammals. Group paleontologists led by Philip Gingerich of the University Michigan suggests that animals adapt in this way to new environmental conditions.

A life

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