Locals watched over Yamal at once three the sun

Over the Yamal, locals watched three suns at onceA photo from open sources

Yesterday morning over the Yamal Peninsula in the north Western Siberia, three suns rose at once. So natural the phenomenon is like a halo, the inhabitants of Yamal observe quite often, therefore no one here is particularly surprised and especially fear caused.

However, the three suns in the sky always attract attention people like, say, a double or triple rainbow. Yes, in that, Of course, there is nothing supernatural, but many residents the peninsula immediately removed a rare natural phenomenon and hurried upload videos and pictures to the Internet: after all, for most people, it’s really some kind of exotic, bordering almost with Apocalypse.

As scientists explain, such a halo requires a combination several factors at once: the presence in cirrus clouds, located within 5-10 kilometers above the surface, the smallest ice crystals, plus special lighting conditions the sun. As a rule, the brightest reflections of the luminary are observed to the left and right of it, which causes the effect of the “triple sun”, although there may be more such reflections, and therefore, in principle man is a way to see five and even seven suns in the sky. True, even the triple sun is a rarity, not to mention the more complex halo. It’s all one to notice a rainbow of five or more in the sky multi-colored “paths”.

And yet, on the Yamal Peninsula, the triple halo is not so rare, since there are all the necessary conditions for this …

Russia Sun

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