A photo from open sources
There are so many different diets on the Internet today and recommendations on how to easily and quickly lose weight, what it has become already look like some kind of epidemic. Moreover, methods for losing weight the most diverse are offered: paid and free, complex, almost impossible, as simple as two pennies, from Pugacheva herself (supposedly) and other celebrities to the “secret” recipes of the great adepts healthy lifestyle.
Moreover, no matter what you do, no matter how much you invest in these procedures, it all comes down to one thing – you need less to eat. Not, Of course, you can find such methods, for example, based on the principle of the 25th frame, which does not infringe on you in food, but, to Unfortunately, they do not work in any way, that is, they are completely useless. IN in most cases, such “sophisticated” system for losing weight they are not offered for free, and therefore they have one goal – to deflate from you money, but in no case help you lose weight.
Research by Australian and Taiwanese scientists they carried out for ten years, showed that all diets lead to one thing: a person ceases to enjoy food. And since we eat primarily for pleasure, and only in second stage – to satisfy hunger, then any diet causes depressed, depressed and can lead to serious mental disorders. Moreover, after its end, researchers assure, the body more than makes up for lost time, therefore, as a rule, ultimately, diets only lead to big problems with being overweight, and even problems with the psyche.
A photo from open sources
Australian and Taiwanese scientists recommend simply cutting back the amount of food consumed, eat slower and get up due the table without fail before it is fully saturated (slightly hungry). And be sure to eat quality food, best of all cooked with your own hands. The study revealed that the people of Taiwan, for example, eat anywhere, but not at home, often eat all kinds of sandwiches (fast foods) or semi-finished products. More than half of Taiwanese under 65 never life did not cook their own food. And this trend, they say scientists traced all over the world …
Longevity, youth and health, researchers assure, depend from a good mood. And if you cook your own food and get real pleasure from her, you already have one guaranteed a long and happy life. Overweight is easy eliminated not by diets, but by a correct and kind attitude to the world, who in response to this kindness himself will tell you how to to eat – both rationally and without prejudice to one’s health.
Australia Money Life Health