Photo from open sources
Many people who have the first positive blood type, suitable for transfusion for almost everyone, consider it very rare. However, they probably do not know that everything a person has there are as many as thirty-five different groups. Among them are as a combination of the well-known first, second, third and fourth with Rh factors, and completely unusual.
For example, recently, global researchers have managed identify three new blood types. Three years ago they discovered bands called Langereis and Junior, and a year later revealed the one that got the name Vel. Each of them was given a name in the honor of the first patient to whom such blood was discovered.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, for example, lives about two with half thousand people with a Langereis-negative group blood. Despite the fact that people with a similar group are located at to the whole world, their total number is unknown to science. Besides, in Japan has at least fifty thousand individuals with Junior-negative blood type. In the rest of the world her can be met much less often, but still possible, for example, in some European gypsy communities.
And about four hundred thousand people living mainly in The United States and the European Union are Vel-negative group.
For transfusion medicine, it was crucial to determine specific antibodies and antigens of each rare blood group. The reason is obvious: if you transfuse such blood to a patient with excellent group, something irreparable can happen. Most dangerous accepted consider antibodies of the Vel-negative group. For the first time, scientists learned about her in the fifties of the last century, when the body of a sixty-six year old patient intensely rejected a donor blood.
In this case, no one knows how much can exist on planet of other rare blood types that have not yet been officially documented by medicine.