A photo from open sources
On Earth, life expectancy is gradually increasing man, and he himself begins to look much younger than his ancestors looked. For example, today a woman in her forties is quite can marry her grandmother’s daughter at the same age without saying already about great-grandmother.
You can recall the women of the nineteenth century “Balzac ages, which are described by the great French writer as respectable and elderly ladies. In fact, they were from thirty to forty years old. Nowadays, a woman at this age is sometimes only begins to think about marriage, because before that she had other plans in love and career. Yes, and others are quite rightly consider her almost a girl. Really grow up modern woman begins to fifty years old …
There is an opinion that the age of a person, especially a woman, modern cosmetology has a positive effect (by the way, you can verify this or, conversely, lose faith by looking the proposed documentary “Beauticians”), however most scientists believe that the level of cosmetology and even plastic surgery only partially rejuvenates people, and only a small part of the world’s population, and even then rejuvenates only externally, while earthlings become completely different than our ancestors – in spirit and body. Modern man and feels significantly younger, perhaps this is the secret of his long youth.
As for cosmetology, today the most popular procedures include LPG massage, ultrasound cavitation and pressotherapy. They are shown in the documentary project. “Beauticians.” Looking at it, you can conclude how beauticians help modern women look younger and worth whether all this is the huge money that the fair sex spends, especially going abroad for this purpose, say, to Switzerland, Spain, France (the most popular countries for Russians who want to keep youth).
On the other hand, many researchers believe that youth already in the genes of modern man, the only thing required of him is to lead the right lifestyle and right to eat. And then he will remain young for a long time, and he will live, according to at least a hundred and twenty years.
Life time