A photo from open sources The problem of bacterial mutation was discussed in RIA “News” at a press conference on the topic: “Antibiotic resistance as one of the global challenges to the 21st century world community. “Doctors claim that the pre-antibiotic era is coming – that is, humanity is returning to that historical period when antibiotics have not yet been invented. “I recall that in the Ancient Egypt lived on average 22.5 years, – said the professor, the head Department of Outpatient Therapy №2 LF Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov Honored Doctor of Russia Irina Chukaeva. – In ancient Rome – 24 years, in Medieval Europe – 21 years. “Today, Europeans live on average 85 years old, however, with the onset of the pre-antibiotic era their life expectancy will again be reduced to 20 – 30 years maximum. “Longer lifespan has been achieved thanks to antibiotics, ”said the professor. – Now we say that the greatest danger is strokes and heart attacks, but before them we live quite a long time. “For example, in the Crimean War, non-combat losses from dysentery, typhoid and other infections were 2.5 times higher than the loss killed in battle. Antibiotics were invented in the 1920s. and began to be widely used in the 40s. Since then, according to doctors, the “real arms race” began. From the 40s to the 60s It was invented the maximum number of antibiotics – about fifty. For comparison: in the last 20 years, only two antibiotics were invented. But microbes began to actively mutate and adapt. “It took the germs time to realize that someone started them kill. Any creature fights for its existence, “- stated professor of the department of hospital therapy No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenova Sergey Yakovlev. In the struggle for existence, microbes have every chance to defeat humanity. Moreover, humanity is still not yet realized the full horror of his situation. “With the invention penicillin, humanity decided that germs were defeated forever. There is no doubt that antibiotics are the greatest achievement. of humanity. But now we are on the verge of disaster, “- Yakovlev warned. The first microbes resistant to antibiotics, began to appear back in the 50s. XX century., But about 10 – 15 years. back antibiotic resistance began to be widespread. “Sustainable forms of germs began to be detected in all regions of the world, in all environments – in water bodies, in the soil, in different institutions, schools, hospitals and so on, that is, the era of globalization has come antibiotic resistance, “said the professor. sustainable forms contributes to the rapid movement of the population – Today you are in Moscow, and tomorrow in Paris, together with your mutated microbes. Today there are two of the hottest points “- India and Greece. It is in these countries that propagates the largest number of resistant bacteria. These countries are also world leaders in their export. “If you visit these countries, then come back with resistant germs and start them distribute, “said Sergey Yakovlev. Thus, considerable contribution to the spread of intractable colds and other infections make our innocuous, at first glance, tourists. Inside the country the most dangerous foci and incubator of resistant infections are hospitals. A similar picture is observed in developed countries – according to EU statistics, sustainability is one of the most common nosocomial infections – intestinal – since 2006 in 2012 increased from 1% to 5%, that is, every 20th intestinal the infection is no longer being treated. Klebsiella resistance has grown even more (a type of bacteria that causes meningitis, pneumonia and etc.) – from 1% to 12%, the stability of acinetobacteria (sepsis, endocarditis, etc.) – and at all from 2% to 70%. “That is, today we faced with a situation where these infections have nothing to treat, – explained Yakovlev. – According to statistics, every 12th patient getting into Russia to the hospital, gets nosocomial infection. “By in a steady form of tuberculosis, we have already become one of the leading countries of the European region and took fifth place after Azerbaijan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine. Doctors fear: there is the likelihood that humanity will not be able to invent more than one antibiotic of a new class. This could lead to more extinction. parts of the world’s population, because antibiotics destroy sensitive microbes, as a result, mutant microbes get selective advantage. The food in the human body remains with them the same, and they begin to multiply rapidly to occupy place destroyed by the sensitive. Could still be reconciled, if humanity were only treated with antibiotics – but instead this use of antibiotics takes tremendous and unjustified proportions. And along with the scale, the quantity is growing microbial mutants. Antibiotics are used everywhere – in veterinary medicine, in the agricultural industry. You ate chicken or pork cutlet, and chicken or the pig was precocious, and precocity is achieved by feeding the same antibiotics. “So you ate it with antibiotics. State control is required when raising animals and birds. But in Russia no one really does this. As a result we losing the last effective antibiotics, “the expert summed up. By According to the professor, head of the Research Center Smolensk State Medical Academy of Vladimir Rafalsky, mutate not only microbes, but also human the body. So, studies in the US have shown side effects from the use of antibiotics, which were not fixed in more early years – from liver failure to retinal detachment and blindness. So the “problem becomes strategic “, but it’s unlikely to save the situation, experts say.
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