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According to a professor at the University of Wroclaw, if not natural population growth slows down then something will happen disaster On Earth is another great extinction, the cause which will not be a meteorite or volcano, but a man. Anthropologist Wroclaw University Boguslav Pavlosky believes that the population the planet is growing at an incredible rate and this can lead to disaster, said the Polish cultural and business center with reference to Gazeta Wyborcza Edition. – Or we will slow down, or awaiting us catastrophe, – the scientist declared. – Thinking in the style of “we were, is and will “or” man-master of the world “lead us to extermination. Professor Pavlovsky, who heads the Department of Human Biology, believes that now every year we eat half as much resources than the Earth is able to make up for. – That is, we live in credit. This is an unprecedented situation for some organism, being the highest link in the food chain, has received such an advantage. This fast train should go off the rail, ”he explained. IN The scientist gives statistics to prove his theory. – On the ground currently about 7 billion 200 million people live. Since the 60s of the last century, on average, every 12-14 years, the population increases by another billion! Now the pace is a little weakened, but we are not at all We know what will happen next. Various studies, including WHO and UN, indicate that in the middle of the century the population can be from 3 to 25 billion, added Pavlovsky. In his opinion, the most important a factor that can slow down the development of our species and prevent disaster, will become the education of women, because they are the ones who control the birth rate. – Where women are educated and are active professionally, natural growth decreases, – stressed the anthropologist. The scientist is sure that humanity is waiting gloomy future. Pandemic and lack of water can lead to gigantic problems. According to him, we don’t have much time left, to intervene in the apocalyptic scenario. – Dinosaurs ruled on Earth for 170 million years. Homo sapiens – only 200 thousand years old, and their self-confidence can lead to the fact that they will no longer “edit the ball,” the professor concluded.