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Mao Zedong, the first leader of the People’s Republic of China, Chairman Mao, “is perhaps the most famous political figure of China. However, the other side of his life associated with supernatural powers, still remains in the shadows.
If someone undertook to make a hit parade of the most controversial politicians of the twentieth century, then Mao Zedong would probably have occupied in it your place.
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The first leader of the PRC, he united the Chinese people after long period of unrest and war, eliminated illiteracy, increased average life expectancy is double but in his reign from repression and hunger have killed millions of people. He sought to return to China former place in the world – and participated in wars with neighbors. Often talked about democracy, but at the same time formed his own cult personality.
Even in China, where the communist government is still in power party that considers Mao Zedong its ideological inspiration, recognize his mistakes. With a truly oriental guile about the outcome of the reign Mao say this: “70 percent of victories, 30 percent of mistakes.”
Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893 in the village of Shaoshan. His father, Mao Yichang, was an ardent Confucian, mother confessed Buddhism. Zedong received the classic Chinese elementary education, studying at a local school. It consisted of a study philosophy of Confucius and ancient Chinese literature.
Already at a young age, the future revolutionary showed rebellious spirit: dissatisfied with the strict rules prevailing in school, he is 13 years old escapes from there and from then on is engaged in self-education, everything spending free time reading books.
As a result, Mao was able to independently prepare for admission to Dunshan High School Elementary School. Here he studies the history of foreign countries, philosophy, imbued with the idea of the need to reform the Chinese state.
In 1911, after the Xinhai revolution and the collapse of the monarchy, Mao Zedong witnesses the beginning of a bloody struggle various groups that split the country into parts. Six months to him and he himself has to serve in the private army of one of the governors provinces fighting for power.
In such a difficult situation, while continuing to study, in 1917, Zedong creates a circle of revolutionary-minded youth, and since 1918 gets a job at the Beijing library as an assistant professor Li Dazhao, future founder of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Through him, Mao Zedong also gets acquainted with the ideas of Marxism and imbued with them. In July 1921 he took part in CPC constituent congress and two months later becomes secretary Communist Party branches in Hunan Province.
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During the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong gradually Advances to the ranks of the leaders of the Communist Party. His authority is especially strong strengthened after the Great Campaign, which allowed the Chinese Communists escape from the environment and avoid defeat. With time he becomes the undisputed leader of the CCP.
After winning the long and hard war that ended the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong becomes the head of a new state and for the rest of his life Remains the leader of the country, the “Great Helmsman,” as he was called Chinese propagandists.
As the head of China, he is carrying out reforms, taking as a model The Soviet Union of the Stalin period. Not all of them turned out to be successful: the Great Leap Forward policy failed, the achievements of the Cultural Revolution that claimed their lives are highly doubtful million people. Despite this, China is still respectfully relate to the personality of the former leader.
How can a son of a small one born in a remote village landowner managed to become head of state with the most the largest population on earth? What is the solution the dizzying career of the Great Helmsman?
Even a brief biography of Zedong makes it clear that in a considerable degree of success was driven by a focus on getting new knowledge, understanding of the value of education and self-education. It is impossible take away his iron will, as well as the ability to convince others in their own righteousness.
But there is another aspect that is usually not focused on attention: Mao Zedun was obviously patronized by higher powers, who paid attention to him before birth. The night before the birth of the future ruler of China, his mother, Wen Qimei, had a strange dream.
A photo from open sources
In it she saw a bright red sun, towards which majestically crawling a huge golden dragon whose scales sparkled in the rays of the rising sun. Driven by curiosity, Wen tried grab the mythical beast by the tail, but, barely touching it, she felt severe pain, as if from a burn with an open flame. The dragon, accelerating all the way, reached the sea and, rushing into it, turned into a huge orchid. Interesting in chinese mythology, the dragon is the personification of a good start, and the orchid – a symbol of harmony, learning and a perfect person.
But even stranger was that, upon awakening, Wen Qimei found on the hand redness from a fresh burn.
The dream told the mother the name of the boy. Traditionally, the Chinese have the child’s name given to him at birth and the adult’s received at coming of age and used all life. The newborn was named Rongzhi, which means “irrigated with water orchid. “But, since Chinese characters often have several meanings, the name of the future leader could be read as “benefited all living.”
It is curious that the adult name of “Great helmsman “- Zedong. It is written in two characters, the first of whose – “tse” – means “beneficence”, and the second – “tung” – “East”. In other words, “the beneficent east.” What is it, if not a prophetic indication of a great future?
Supernatural forces kept Mao’s life more than once literally hung by a thread. The rebellions that he tried organize, repeatedly defeated, faced with numerical superiority of a perfectly organized enemy. Happened be hungry, find himself in areas affected by epidemics deadly diseases. But every time in an incomprehensible way dangers circumvented him.
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Those who knew Mao during the Civil War said that Zedong possessed a supernatural sense of danger. One vivid example This is a widely known story in China of the leader’s second wife, He Zizhen According to her, in the autumn of 1934 they are after a long Hiking spent the night in a guerrilla camp in the province Jiangxi.
Mao, very tired during the day, almost immediately fell asleep dead sleep. However, in the middle of the night, he jumped, as if scalded, pushed wife and began frantically collecting things. To the question of Zizhen, what going on, he briefly said something about the clatter of enemy cavalry. Despite the fact that everything was quiet and there were no signs of trouble, the couple nevertheless left the camp … A in the morning the army cavalry detachment The Kuomintang attacked a sleeping camp and killed almost everyone in it was.
A flair bordering on clairvoyance did not fail Mao during military campaigns. Having no specialized education, he made strategic decisions no less, in the end that allowed the Chinese Communists to defeat the Kuomintang led by a professional military, experienced General Chan Kai-shek.
A photo from open sources
Often Zedong gave orders not only not based on intelligence, but also conflicting with them. This happened, for example, in 1943 during the battle of Zayanan against Japanese troops. In the very the last moment, despite the available data on the plans of the Japanese the command and disposition of enemy troops, Mao takes the sole decision to radically change the plan of operations.
As a result, the Japanese army was defeated. After the battle, it turned out that enemy generals deliberately introduced Chinese intelligence into delusion, tossing her misinformation. If not for the flair of Mao Zedong, the Japanese would be able to trap his troops and to destroy.
Death pursued the revolutionary even after victory in civil war – but he invariably avoided it. Since the mid-1960s, Feeling inexplicable anxiety, Mao begins constantly move from place to place without lingering in one place anymore two nights in a row. Only many years after his death it turned out that the special services of various countries of the world for many years unsuccessfully tried to eliminate the Chairman.
But regardless of who the agents were sent to – American CIA or Soviet KGB (Mao constantly blamed Soviet leadership in the betrayal of the ideas of Lenin and Stalin, whom he considered his ideological inspirers), they could not achieve successful completion of the plan.
In addition to the protection of some higher forces, the reason for the success of the “Great helmsman “can be covered in mastering the art of Feng Shui. This Chinese teaching suggests the existence of qi energy flows, “life force” that pervades everything in the world: man, living nature, things. It can create harmonious or inharmonious structures in time and space that render respectively, positive or negative impact. Man not able to influence her – but he can catch where they are flowing qi flows, and plan the construction of the building, the situation in it so as to bypass inharmonious flows.
It is authentically known that Mao Zedong was very serious about Feng Shui. For example, he never in his life went into the Forbidden City, former imperial residence, considering that its movement along the axis north-south can harm him. “The Great Helmsman” was born in the year Dragon, and this sign of the eastern horoscope refers to the western group and therefore came into conflict with the planning of the imperial residences.
The future ruler of China got acquainted with the ancient teachings back in youth, when, engaged in self-education, spent days on end in libraries. I must say that for Chinese culture is characteristic reverent attitude to the written word, which in the eyes of the inhabitants this eastern country bears a certain stamp of sacredness.
Even small villages try to keep an archive whenever possible. records, and large libraries often represent real a fount in which you can find rare books at the most diverse topics. So the young curious Zedong is not it was hard to find treatises on feng shui and start their independent study.
Undoubtedly, Mao saw in ancient wisdom a way to achieve authorities. The fact is that feng shui masters are capable of more than just properly plan the space of the house, but also by analyzing the flows qi energy, predict the future. One who is capable of this is not may fail. It may well be unexplained at a glance Mao’s skeptic of insight, often found on him during civil war and the fight against the Japanese were associated with the application feng shui knowledge.
The active use of ancient art can explain the phenomenal endurance of the “Great Helmsman”, which was noted everyone who has ever worked with him. Surprise others Mao’s inflexibility was helped by one of the feng shui techniques, shen-qi.
Mao and Khrushchev
A photo from open sources
By accumulating positive energy with its help, a person can to survive the most severe stresses, keeping in any conditions mental and physical health. And his Chairman wasn’t to occupy: what is the only cost of swimming across the Yangtze River, committed by him at the age of 73 years.
Unfortunately, Mao’s serious attitude towards feng shui played with the ancient art a cruel joke. Realizing the true power of teaching, Zedong, having come to power, banned him and began to destroy the ancient manuscripts.
He was afraid that there would be those who wanted to take advantage of the secret knowledge to overthrow the power of the communist party. At present only those scrolls that were outstanding masters survived Feng Shui, anticipating the persecution, could be taken to Taiwan.
Vladimir ANTONOV, newspaper “Anomalous News”
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