A photo from open sources Antarctic ice melting rapidly in over the past decade, has led to measurable gravitational fluctuations. Surprisingly, the media did not turn this data into new doomsday predictions. Actually data about changes climate cited in various scientific journals is not easy to understand to an ordinary person. The information that is in open access, does not give anything useful for the non-savvy nomenclature of physics and other human environmental sciences. IN paper published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters of the American Geophysical Union in August 2014, provides an analysis of the data on the Earth’s gravitational field collected European Space Agency (ESA) and Ocean satellite Circulation Explorer (GOCE). These scientific papers are part of Living Planet program. The satellite is designed to measure specific geophysical and gravitational values along its orbital trajectory. It is equipped with the most sensitive on today a sensor for measuring the Earth’s gravitational field. In his report, Dr. Bouman claims that ice is losing the range from -67, -63 to -55 GT / year, from November 2009 to June 2012 What is this talking about? This means that losses in this region make up about 67 trillion kilograms of ice over three years. Environmental experts argue that these measurements equivalent to a loss of 500 cubic kilometers of ice per year. Melting ice in such quantities will have serious consequences for Earth’s climate. The level of our oceans is increasing rapidly, with it the rate of desalination is increasing, and, as it turns out, strong vibrations of our gravitational field. According to researchers, the weight of objects in different parts of the world quickly varies and may vary significantly from region to region.