Memory Erase Technology. Making false of memory

Memory Erase Technology. Creating False MemoryA photo from open sources

After the publication of the article “That they would remember. People in black – reality? “there was a lively discussion of the problem of erasing memory, in which sounded enough sound thoughts. One of questions asked by letsplaybuxpb most fully reflected the essence all comments: – “There must be a technology of mass erasure memory. In addition to the cellular network and chemical trails, nothing in the head is coming. In addition, it is not clear how to erase memory selectively. there is ideas on this subject? “My answer: – Yes. There is a version and I have it I’ll explain it in a separate note, because the topic is actually burning, and she does not fit in the framework of the comment. Here materials on the book typed, probably. So, let’s begin. First: Cellular communication is certainly one of the main, real means control of citizens, involving tracking the location cell phone owner, correspondence and listening negotiations, video capture of the image from the phone’s camera, and the possibility of exposure to surrounding electronic devices. You think fantasy? Nothing like this. Example 1. Phone, this is first turn radio transmitting and receiving device. With his any signal can be sent with the help, for example, interfering with all electronic systems in a certain radius. For example comes the person with the most ordinary telephone purchased at your office the store. And you decided to record your negotiations on the recorder. Sit down at the table, start work, and do not suspect that through visitor’s cellphone broadcast electronic interference making useless all all the hidden surveillance devices and audio recordings. After his departure, you try to listen to the recording on the recorder, and there – only noise. Example 2. More recently, during the protests stock in New York “Occupy Wall Street”, flashed in the press one curious message that should alert the public, but nothing happened. That such information was already no one remembers either. Here is the essence of the note: – In one of areas of New York simultaneously blocked the doors of many cars and the alarm turned on. Hundreds of people turned out locked for several minutes in the cars in which they were in this moment. Is it funny Fearfully! US NSA demonstrated clearly those who can read symbols, that everything is in their hands. Enough just send a signal to the cell phone of those you need urgently arrest and this signal will block the central lock car, turn on the siren and disable electronic systems ignition and engine management. All. Nearest policeman heading for a vehicle that is immobilized and arresting those located inside a kind of “avtozak”. But the signal can affect life support systems, pacemaker, eg! Thus, we can conclude that the antennas of cellular companies are just a detail of the mechanism, not basic evil, as some think. Novel “Inhabited Island” was written by the Strugatsky for a long time, and the towers – emitters are no longer relevant, although they can be used as psychotronic weapons, for impact on the mood of the crowd. At the request of the manager cause uncontrolled panic, a sense of horror, depression, or on the contrary, create a sense of celebration and euphoria in the crowd. The second: Chemical trails to influence people’s memory and behavior – too ineffective and expensive. Why such difficulties, if any vaccinations, mass-produced drinks, sprays, medicines, or ordinary food. Soy sausages, for example, with the taste and smell of pork? Any substance in contact with humans can carry information. Any. Only a key is required to run the program. And he may be sent as you like. Example 1. Everyone saw that in New York 11 September 2001 THREE buildings collapsed. Collapsed and Pentagon. The whole world was shown two aircraft crashing into skyscrapers, and in fact it was a signal, a kind of “anchor”, fixing consciousness at a certain moment. As a result, now most do not remember the collapse of the Pentagon, and only a few to the question: – “How many buildings collapsed”? will answer correctly: – “THREE in N.Y and ONE – in Virginia. “But there were two planes, and everyone remembers only about twin towers. Why did building number 7 collapse even of questions no one sets, despite the fact that no planes are on him fell and it stands apart. How did you manage to achieve this the phenomenal result of selective erasure of memory? I guess that there are tools for this, and nothing supernatural about it not. Programming is an algorithm for filling information. what can be a carrier? Any substance, but above all, of course, water. Water is programmed in thousands of ways. Here is one of mine own versions: Water can be programmed by sound. Human – walking water itself, its brain is also almost water, it means laying the program to the brain is most simply sound. Science is not intentionally advertises all the possibilities of exposure to sound vibrations. To everyone known just below or above a certain frequency range the human ear does not hear, but this does not mean that infrasound and Does ultrasound have no effect? And it is only publicly available information from which a lot can already be extracted conclusions. And how much is known to a narrow circle of people? And how much in general not open yet? I am not a prophet, but they don’t have to be confidently say that our doctors of science and a millionth share entities of sound waves are not unraveled. But it’s alright to do some inferences are enough of what is already known. And to us it is known that sound, even in the inaudible range of frequencies has a powerful effect on the psyche and activity of all organs person. What prevents managers from programming people with sound, which comes from the speakers of televisions, computers, phones and other devices? Never mind. Experts are only able to identify the so-called “white noise”, but it’s not even yesterday, but antediluvian method. Encryption exists for that, so as not to allow reading recorded information, and ideally – to prevent the precedent itself detecting the very existence of encryption. Therefore, it is obvious that a program protected by a cipher is invisible, inaudible, and about it existence is known to a very limited circle of persons. Stratification levels of access to information. I will say, for example, that not all presidents are up to date. Medvedev, for example, walked for 4 years work as a director of the country every day, but a nuclear case he was never trusted, and knowledge of such a high level was also to him no one would give. At least for his own safety. Not give the psycho a loaded gun! It can shoot itself, or other patients, why good. So, you understand how information is laid, and to understand how it starts function, it is appropriate to recall the principle of the project “Echelon”. For those who have forgotten what it is, I recall: – By all the telephone and radio conversations are tapped around the world. But listen not to counterintelligence employees in headphones in smoked bunkers, and a computer program. It includes a recording negotiations, automatically recognizing “familiar” words. For example, you said the word “Drug” in a conversation with a friend, right there your the conversation begins to be analyzed. If this is a simple chatter, then no consequences. But if you said you know where they are to get it, then a dossier is immediately created on you, and then you are under vigilant control of all known and unknown electronic devices. ABOUT I’ll keep silent at the end of the dossier. Too many citizens around the world disappear without a trace. In Russia, this is 200,000 people a year. 160 thousand approximately, sooner or later they are alive or dead, but the remaining forty thousand are never found at all. They are dematerialized without a trace. Forty thousand is an ordinary district center. Imagine the population of a city like Sertolovo in St. Petersburg province, for example, rises to nowhere annually!? However, we will return to our sheep. On the principle of “echelon” people’s consciousness is also programmed, the programs are included in the firmware elements that are triggered strictly at a certain moment, when the occurrence of a strictly defined situation. For example, you are from childhood see the program “In the animal world”, where you, along with the realized other information is invested about the very existence of which you you don’t even suspect. Once a week you are programmed from year to year that UFOs do not exist, these are inventions of people with inferior the psyche. A lot of “triggers” are sewn into the program, and they fire precisely at the moment of observation of a real UFO. You saw something unusual, which you should not see, and then a certain choke is triggered, filtering the memory. Stepping out of a minute trance, you completely forgot about what you saw a second ago. No one will completely erase the memory, because it extremely dangerous. He also directs the activities of internal organs. central nervous system, and if you overdo it, then a person can corny forget how to breathe and die. True, there are failures when people lose memory of long stretches of life. Psychiatrists call it retrograde amnesia. It is known that such a loss memory can be caused by physical and psychological injuries. I fully admit that there is one more, at least, reason – imperfection of the embedded program. The trigger worked and along with the file ready for deletion, the entire directory is deleted. The imperfection of the program is expressed in different ways, not only partial memory loss, but also by phenomena such as unmotivated behavior. Once upon a time there lived a boring guy, went to work to trade washing machines, and suddenly his body is found in camouflage uniforms somewhere in Libya. How did this happen, even if he was at school was fond of coloring instead of scarecrows and slingshots like him classmates? I do not presume to say for sure, but from all of the foregoing, you yourself can conclude that nothing I didn’t say fantastic. All this is real, and even very simple. in order not to take such methods into service. However I repeat that there is a stratification of tolerance levels. what put to Jupiter – not put to the Bull. It is clear. What is supposed to know sergeant – not supposed to know the ordinary. What is supposed to know to the chief of staff of the army – generally space for the private. And this – fine. Information should be divided by tolerance levels. It is impossible to imagine a situation in which management tipper will be available to everyone equally. First grader for driving BELAZ will surely cause so much trouble in the city that the Ministry of Emergencies will eliminate the consequences within six months. And if instead Will the T-90 tank with full ammunition turn out to be a dump truck? Yeah … here I am cringed at the mere thought. So don’t think that the president any citizen who has reached the age of 36 years can become capable and blah blah blah … only the one who managers have chosen, so it’s useless to talk about nonsense about civil society. democracy, etc. They were not, are not and will not be never, because there are always those who are ready to sacrifice themselves, and those who want to gobble up another. In order to learn adjust such a complex machine, had to come up with a division into nationality, religion, culture, etc. Also needed wars and crises. But nothing stands still. The world is evolving and reached a level where it can be controlled bloodless (relatively) way. Computer science is a broader concept, rather than written in textbooks. Computer science solves many problems, one, and the most important of them – the management of earthlings of the world by the government. Who is included in it is not a question for this article. The question of the very existence of world government does not even consider correct to discuss. How many do not say that asphalt is a trampoline, nobody will voluntarily fall on it. And no matter how many stupid TV shows featuring ufologists – morons, real UFOs are not going anywhere. No matter how much they convince me that the last decades of the USSR is a “scoop”, “stagnation”, etc., I don’t to convince, because I myself was born and raised in the USSR, and to work even managed, I have something to compare. I know where “fictitious stagnation, “but where genuine. Erasing is the opposite. And to summarize, I would wanted the following: – All “software” of a person, including memory – constantly upgrading. – Memory is easy to manage from the outside using keywords, symbols and events. – Carriers RAM are constantly updated, such an element as “white race “is already outdated, and it is being replaced by Arabs and Asians. The new chip is less conflicting in the latest configuration. – Erase temporary files has a similar algorithm with the creation of new … and this already scary. Example: Watching a harmless science fiction movie Air Force production of excavations of 17th century graves in Yakutia. All very beautiful, scientific, soft and fluffy, but for no reason at all the speaker’s speech behind the scenes intertwines a “random” phrase: – “The innumerable sorrows brought expansion to the indigenous peoples of Siberia Russian. “And that’s … Next comes the plain text about research archaeologists and anthropologists. Just a few words in a row of several thousand, and they are the trigger to bookmark a new folders in memory. No one noticed anything other than the inherent in people programs. Having received the installed command, the mechanism is triggered launch a new branch of the program and after 20 years no one there will be no doubt that these evil Russians are not only Poles in Katyn they shot, but also colonized a small but proud Yakut people. Main conclusion: To stay alive, you need antivirus program. Immunity from informational infection. Key to launch an antivirus program – “EVERYTHING LIES”. Put in your brain this blocker. Only three words will become your helpers in the fight for survival. Question everything, even the most unshakable, the holiest. Critically consider any explanation of the phenomena. Most often, the “From nasty. “If you see that the press and TV are painted in colors and paints talent, such as Baskov, then this is a sure signal that business is not clean. Genuine, true art never requires advertising. If some person is good for the media and the authorities, then it’s obvious “He is not good for you.” If, on the contrary, someone intensely spread rot, then this is a sure signal that here is a provocation. Remember that the truth is always SILENT! No one hides that the Egyptian pyramids are stacked their blocks, cast from concrete, this is so, and hundreds of examinations it proved irrefutable, but talk about it is not accepted. None hides the facts of falsification of the theory of species evolution, nevertheless in schools still teach the only theory and it is written dictated by Charles Darwin. No one has yet explained where the nomads of the Mongolian steppes gained knowledge, skills and resources (which still do not exist) for the enslavement of Russia for as many as 300 years, but on Russia Day, the vile libel Horde is broadcast on TV. None hides that the words RUSS and RUSSIA did not exist until the 18th century, however less students and schoolchildren continue to repeat about mythical “Kiev”, “Novgorod”, “Vladimir” Rus, and where did they come from take it if there wasn’t even a word like that. Only similar the word denoted a people who lived on earth with the name of Russia – northern Muscovy’s neighbor. SILENCE – this is the most important index, nameplate such, in truth. The truth can be understood by one who moves his brains, and does not believe in the word to scientists, priests and even more so – to the press and to politicians. Once again: There is no need to edit memory individually. Necessary just attach the general program, with hooks sewn into it, on Information to be deleted. Teach your kids right!

Water Pyramids Russia USSR Yakutia

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