Men in India managed to film how they “drowned”

Men in India managed to film how they arePhoto from open sources

It’s a paradox, but at such a time we live. Now everyone in there’s a smartphone in your pocket, and even if it’s not very cool, then it’s all anyway, but there’s a video camera. And this circumstance sometimes they allow people to make literally unique videos.

This is exactly what happened with three men (relatively young, under thirty) from India, in the state of Rajasthan, who, as reported by The Daily Mail, riding bicycles (apparently a bit overheated), decided to swim in an unfamiliar pond. Yes, not just like that, but also to film this whole “funny procedure. ”

But as the forensics say, something went wrong except Of course, the shooting itself. The man who first climbed into this pond, like it turned out that he could not swim and did not count on its depth, but therefore immediately began to sink and call for help. Two other young the Indians hastened to show her to a friend, but apparently underestimated again, neither the depth of the pond, nor their skills in swimming.

Soon all three were in a drowning position (see video) and ultimately all three drowned. All recorded an unemotional event recorder – a smartphone that was later found the police and, thanks to the video, restored the details of this tragedy.

By the way, the video, which by some miracle (however, this is not nothing strange: people crave sensation – get it!) surfaced on the web Internet, caused a mixed reaction. Despite the universal sympathy from most people, some skeptical configured users did not believe in the accuracy of the shot on this video: they say, all this is the most ordinary theater, fake. For example, rescue professionals claim to be truly a drowning man does not wave his arms, but instinctively pulls them to the side, trying to push off from the surface of the water.

However, as they agree, many things can happen, especially in mysterious India – this is not Europe for you. In addition, wrote about it even the solid English edition of The Daily Mail, believe the British (at least once) a word …

India Smartphones

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