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Meteorologists recorded a record temperature in the Arctic anomaly – for the first time in the Arctic Ocean was the deviation of the average annual temperature from climate norm at 7 degrees, the director of the Hydrometeorological Center said RF Roman Wilfand. “In 2012, very non-standard records. For the first time in the Arctic (positive) the anomaly in the average annual temperature reached 7 degrees. it fantastic value. Even when the average daily temperature differs from the norm by 7 degrees – this is a noticeable event, but such the annual average temperature deviation was recorded for the first time, “- said Wilfand. “That is why in 2012 in the Arctic was recorded record low sea ice area, “- added he. According to the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, the temperature anomaly was recorded in the region in the north of the Kara Sea between the Earth Franz Joseph and the New Earth. “An anomaly of 5 degrees was recorded, but 7 degrees is no comment, “said the head Hydrometeorological center. He also recalled that the past year was a record hot in the USA, where the deviation from the average annual temperature reached 2.5 degrees. In Russia, the weather will get colder over most of the territories Russia will be close to the climatic norm in the next five days, severe colds are expected in the Urals. According to him, the weather in the first decade of 2013 in the European territory of Russia was 2-4 degrees above normal, in Asian – noticeably lower, in places 8-9 degrees. Especially cold weather over the next five days predicted in the Urals, where negative temperature deviations from norms can reach 10 degrees. Villefand recalled that on European territory of Russia meteorologists expect a uniform and “classic” winter weather with an average daily temperature of about minus 10 degrees, which corresponds to the climatic norm. So, January 12-15, the temperature at night will be from 12 to 17 degrees below zero, during the day about minus 10 degrees, while in some regions “episodes” with a cooling to minus 22 degrees are possible. “On the night of (Old) New Year … partly cloudy snow, temperature at night in Moscow minus 12-14, daytime minus 10-12 degrees, with clearings at night to minus 22, the north wind and northwest 3-8 meters per second, in places on the roads sleet, “said Wilfand.
Arctic Russia