Mike Hughes crashed on a makeshift rocket trying to prove that the earth is flat

Mike Hughes crashed on a makeshift rocket, trying to prove that the Earth is flatA photo from open sources

One of the most active proponents of the theory of flat Earth Mike Hughes, died during another attempt to find out whether the Earth is flat in fact.

February 22, 2020 a new version of a steam engine rocket in launch time crashed and crashed in California Wilderness Near Barstow. The inventor pilot died.

Prior to this, the 64-year-old inventor, according to his own drawings, built a few rockets with a steam engine, but he still failed rise to cosmic heights.

The first launch took place in 2014, when it climbed to a height more than 400 meters. And in 2018, the record was already 570 meters. Then the nose of the rocket fell in two during a landing, and Hughes located inside the unit, received relatively minor injuries and was taken to hospital with back pain.

A photo from open sources

Despite the setbacks, Hughes did not give up, and believed that sooner or he’ll take off so high that he can see for himself that the earth is flat.

The budget of his developments was replenished mainly due to crowdfunding and donations of “landowners”. Given that there wasn’t enough funds for everything necessary, the inventor had to neglect security issues.

The media write that during the last launch from a steam rocket a parachute came off, without which the device could not smoothly to land, collapsing to the ground.

Rocket Time

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