Photo from open sources
It seems that a lot has been written about mirrors, about them mysterious properties does not know today unless inveterate materialist, and even that, returning, for example, home for forgotten thing, he will certainly look at himself in the mirror – such an omen.
But American scientists have conducted a whole study, which confirmed the truth well known to magicians and sorcerers of all times, that a mirror is able to take away energy from a person and take him youth. According to scientists, the mirror surface is not look too long. All subjects who did this through For some time they felt a breakdown.
This effect is enhanced if a person is not just examined himself in the mirror, and looked exactly in his eyes. More Moreover, the researchers found that all people who love to consider themselves in the mirror, age faster. That is, the mirror surface able to draw from a person both his vitality and his youth.
A photo from open sources
For this reason, scientists advise against looking in the mirror anymore. three minutes, and if you can’t live without it, then learn look right in your reflection.
First, as mentioned above, do not look “eyes in eyes “- this is really something mystically beyond and very harmful to a person uninitiated in magic mirrors.
Secondly, never experiment with mirrors while striving with using them to guess, see your loaned, get into parallel world and so on. Especially dangerous actions with several mirrors mounted one against the other.
Thirdly, and most importantly, American scientists emphasize, look in the mirror only in a good mood and be sure to smile (sincere smile), and even better – with love and thanks. In this case, you will send a mirror surfaces are good and clean energy, and they, reflecting, are necessarily will come back to you with a vengeance. This is proven experimentally. It works one hundred percent. And this can and should be used, when you “communicate” with this magical, not fully understood (what is this?) a mirror.