Photos from open sources of
In 1993, an article appeared in No. 4 of the journal “Technique-Youth” “Night flight by gravity.” Its author V.S. Grebennikov wrote which discovered an effect that allows you to “turn off” Earth’s gravity and built on its basis an apparatus that allows you to move around the air.
Most of the article was about a flight by the author on the night of March 17-18, 1990. Around 2 am author started from the city of Krasnoobsk, climbed several tens of meters, flew to Zatulinka village, above which, before taking the return course, hung for several minutes.
Photos were attached to the article. The gravity was a platform a little larger than the seat from the chair, on which barely could fit one person and control racks.
A photo from open sources
Can not be!
“Technique-youth” had the status of a serious, not typing all sorts of nonsense and not falling for cheap sensations. Not anyone who wants to publish could break into his pages.
And the author least looked like a joker. Victor Grebennikov was a man with a name in academia: an entomologist, Honored Ecologist of Russia, author of numerous publications, creator of the Novosibirsk Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection Wednesday.
Nevertheless, many wrote that the article looks like a duck, and the pictures – photomontage. The clarifications of the author himself could dispel doubts, but the principle of the work of its gravitoplan Grebennikov in the article is not outlined. And yet there was some information.
A photo from open sources
The effect of cavity structures
You will be surprised, but scientists cannot explain how some fly types of insects – the area of the wings is clearly not enough to rise to the air. And yet they fly.
V. Grebennikov was an entomologist, studied insects and for a long time tried to unravel this paradox. In 1988, he discovered the effect of cavity structures (EPS). The essence of the phenomenon: the voids present in the bodies able to create an anti-gravity effect. Insects fly it is thanks to EPS, and the wings themselves only set the direction flight.
For almost three years he studied the EPS discovered by him, in 1990 he built the first model of the gravitoplan and made the first flight. And yet the name Grebennikov is almost unknown, gravity aircraft are not sold in specialized stores.
Unnecessary invention
The end of the 80s was not the most favorable for scientists. Money for science the state did not have. Salaries of scientists turned into nothing, but even the payments of these cents were delayed for months.
Science officials doing business selling inventions abroad and scientific developments. And then a crazy inventor asks them money for design work! At your request for help scientist received a rejection with a postscript “further correspondence with you consider inappropriate. “Grebennikov was forced to be content with the status of a single inventor.
The device that killed its creator
This is not to say that the article in “Youth Technology” remained unnoticed. When the country’s economy began to straighten, in Krasnoobsk was frequented by both representatives of private business and enthusiasts inventors. But by this time the attitude of Victor Stepanovich to his invention has changed dramatically.
It is not known what kind of apparatus the field created, but its effect on man turned out to be disastrous. Grebennikov’s health dramatically worsened. The scientist was sure that this is the result of exposure gravitational power engineering, on the improvement of which he constantly worked.
It is not known what other properties of XPS discovered Grebennikov, but with the end of the 90s, he stopped all talk about his anti-gravity the platform.
Mystery gone to the grave
In 2001, the scientist was visited by S. Mikhalev, a representative of the Group Studying Without Inertial Processes (GIBIP).
Grebennikov was half paralyzed, but remained clear consciousness. He stated that the device was dismantled and destroyed, no drawings exist. Aware that he will die soon, however, give his brainchild to the first hand to fall does not intend. Looking for a worthy successor, but not found yet. Four months after the meeting, he died.
After the death of Grebennikov, witnesses were found flying the scientist and Mikhail Dovgal, who made unique photographs of Grebennikov on soaring platform. But none of them could give the key to the secret. A search for a record or archive of a scientist has been unsuccessful – or they were destroyed, or entrusted to a person who does not seek publish them.
Is reopening possible?
Today, EPS advocates are trying to reinvent the gravity plane. The idea is not so crazy. Grebennikov himself wrote that nothing invented, and took advantage of the already created nature. Witnesses They say that the device did not create the impression of a cunning devices, and had in itself the very minimum of details. According to son Grebennikov “father built a gravitational vehicle from what came under hands”.
If all this is true, then the anti-gravity platform is something completely simple and any man whose arms grow from his shoulders, in able to collect it in his barn.
Unless of course it reveals the secret why insects fly.
Posted by Klim Podkova
Time Money Insects Russia