Mobile phones will be able to see through walls

A photo from open sources

Quite often in science fiction films show devices that allow people to see outside the walls building. In the near future, such an opportunity will become a reality, experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology promise leading their developments in the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, this opportunity does not appear thanks to thermal imagers or X-ray, and using ordinary Wi-Fi. Previous experiences researchers showed that wireless signals reflected off human, can be used to track his movements, however, provided that in the room in which man, a wireless router will be hosted, which is pretty problematic. Having carefully studied the situation, professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dina Katadi and her graduate student Fadel Adib developed a device that works over a wide range of Wi-Fi, at the same time instantly reacts to the smallest increase any activity, while not looking at the dividing barriers in the form of walls, bushes, trees, etc. This is a unique device. operates on wireless antennas and therefore in the future may even be integrated into a mobile phone. The trick is crossed out Dina Katadi, that in her device low-power signals are radiated in antiphase at once by two antennas, and reflection Radio waves are recorded by one receiver. Inside the subject the main part of reflections mainly arises from walls and other stationary objects. If there is no activity in the room – these the radio waves come and mutually cancel out at the same time, “zero”, and the remaining “noise” is filtered out by software. Eventually the device takes into account only those radio waves that are reflected from a moving object – a person. It is a unique portable the device is primarily intended for safety person. For example, you worry that someone dangerous can hide in the bushes, or you suspect that a thief has climbed into your house, with using such a device, you can easily dispel your fears, without risking your own life or health – just by scanning a space that is hidden from your eyes. Sergei Vasilenkov

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