TV, laser, mobile phone, 30-technology – whoever would have thought that they first appeared in Nazi Germany? So or else, this version has a lot of evidence. Obergruppenfuhrer and SS General Hans Kammler – one of the most mysterious figures of the Third Reich. Since 1944, he led the construction of underground fighter factories. In addition, together with the CEO of Skoda, Honorary Standartenfuhrer SS Colonel Wilhelm Voss he worked on a secret project that even didn’t know about head of the Luftwaffe Goering and Minister of Arms Speer. Photos from open sources
Only Hitler and Himmler were in the know, before the last Kammler and Foss directly reported. April 23, 1945 when it became clear that the end of the Reich was near, Kammler moved to the Austrian town of Ebensee, where back in 1943 under his leadership began work to create a giant underground complex under the code name Zement. But he stayed there not for long: May 4 went to Prague. Most likely, he chose such route to pick up documentation for secret projects, stored in Skoda offices.
A photo from open sources
According to the official version, Hans Kammler committed suicide on May 9, 1945 years in the forest between Prague and Pilsen. The place of his burial was never was found. September 7, 1948 Berlin-Charlottenburg Court officially declared Hans Kammler dead. “Father of the Bell” There is also a version that in May 1945 the American troops captured Pilsen, located in the Soviet occupation zone. There, U.S. military intelligence officers studied archives. SS research center located in the factory “Skoda.”
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
The Americans believed that the Germans were creating nuclear weapons. But this was not so: Kammler’s factories produced reactive fighters, anti-aircraft lasers and underground boats “Midgard Serpent”. Kammler also oversaw the work on the “solar gun.” She It was a reflector mirror with a diameter of 200 meters, concentrating solar energy. If such a weapon still created, then it would be possible to burn entire cities in just a second. TO fortunately, the Fuhrer abandoned this project as too expensive … As the Polish journalist and historian Igor Witkowski, Kammler’s main project was space weapons. It called Die Glocke, which means “bell”. Exactly therefore, Hans Kammler himself is sometimes called the “father of the” Bell “. If you believe the testimony of William Foss, using this technology the Nazis were going to destroy Moscow, London and New York. Looked the device is really like a huge metal bell, consisting of two lead cylinders rotating in opposite directions and filled with unknown substance. Alas, the Americans who captured the Kammler archive were not very interested documents about the Bell, as it was not a nuclear weapon. The documentation fell into the hands of Soviet intelligence. Now, by untrusted sources, it is stored in the archives of the Ministry Defense of the Russian Federation under the heading “Secret.” As for Hans himself Kammler, that is another assumption: at the end of the war Obergroup Penfuhrer went over to the side of the Americans, who transported him to Argentina in exchange for transferring his secret developments … From TV to iPhone But the Nazis not only engaged in the development of weapons. So, the world’s first models TVs were allegedly presented in 1938 at an exhibition in Berlin Back in 1934, Reich experts began to develop apparatus of the “laser beam”. His main purpose was to blind enemy air force pilots. Work on it the device was completed a week before the end of the war …
A photo from open sources
Since February 1945, the Hans Kammler Bureau, among others projects worked on a “miniature portable communications device.” Norwegian historian Gudrun Stensen writes: “It is likely that without drawings from the center of Kammler there would be no iPhone. And to create an ordinary mobile phone would take at least 100 years. ” mobile phones and iPhones appeared in our life much earlier than a century later … GPS from the “blonde” And the advent of the system we owe a lot to cellular Hedy Lamarr – the famous American actress and former wife of the owner of military factories, releasing weapons for the Third Reich. Hedwig Eva Maria Kisler born in Vienna. She began to act in films early, and in frankly erotic paintings, and at nineteen years old parents, who didn’t like the daughter’s “bohemian” career, married her for arms magnate Fritz Mandl. He was so jealous of his wife that he didn’t only forbade her to act in film, but also demanded that she accompany him on all trips. Hedwig’s husband was able to learn the principles of action of many types of weapons, which is very it came in handy later. Four years later, a young woman ran away from wife and went to London, and from there to New York, where she continued career of an actress. But we are not interested in the success of Hedi Lamarr (such the actress took a pseudonym) in the movie. The most amazing thing was that one of the most prominent Hollywood stars suddenly took up … invention! In this case, no scientific or technical she had no education, her luggage was knowledge about weapons, received during the first marriage … In 1942, Lamarr together with famous avant-garde player and composer George Anteyl patented the technology of “frequency scanning”, which allows distance control torpedoes. This invention formed the basis Global Positioning System – GPS (Global Positioning System positioning), without which today there would be no cellular communication GSM standard. Now November 9 is the birthday of Hedi Lamarr – celebrate in the USA as inventor’s day … Stereopropaganda Traditionally it is believed that 3D technology was invented only in the 50s years of the last century in Hollywood. However, more recently known Australian director Philip Mora, who has been around for 40 years deals with the history of cinema in the Third Reich, by chance found copies of two ZD tapes gathering dust in the Berlin archives. Mora became famous primarily as the author of a documentary “Swastika”, which included frames of the “home” video with Adolf Hitler, shot by Eva Braun at a villa in Bavaria. IN the director is currently working on a new documentary propaganda project manipulation project Nazis in order to control the inhabitants of Germany.
A photo from open sources
In the process of working on a picture, Mora began to study archives Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda in Berlin. They are there stumbled upon two three-dimensional tapes marked Raum Film (“spatial film”). It turned out that they were filmed an independent studio commissioned by the ministry. For shooting, rather In total, two lenses and a prism placed in front of them were used. Apparently, the tapes were not very successful at the box office, and about they just forgot. They are filmed on 35 mm film and last each for half an hour. One of the tapes is called “This is so really that you can touch it. “The film is about on a picnic, and splashes from fried sausage fly right at the viewer … The second picture is about a company of six girls, went for a walk on the weekend. “The quality of these films is simply fantastic, “says Philippe Mora. Perhaps this is far from the last surprise that advanced science has prepared for us The Third Reich. No wonder they say that everything new is well forgotten old … Margarita TROITSYNA “Secrets of the twentieth century” April 2013
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