Molecule-sized robots

Molecular-sizedPhotos from open sources

Molecular robots are another major step in robotics. of our world. And it can be said, scientists from University of Manchester.

One-Millionth Such Miniature Robots millimeters (you need to add them billions to see this breast just a grain of fine salt) are made up of hundreds of atoms oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, but they, as well as familiar to us, let’s say industrial machines are programmed and based on programs perform specific molecular tasks to construction.

This is how these robotic arms are characterized. Project Leader Professor David Lee in an article on this invention, published on September 21 of this year in a scientific publication Nature:

Molecular robots are assembled as if from LEGO bricks, only in this case are the building materials for them atoms. Such micro-robots are programmed using chemical water (special chemical reactions), after which they can perform many tasks that will allow future successful use them in medicine, industry, and many other industries to create molecular conveyors and whole factories. Molecular robots in the future will create new drugs, participate in the most complex industrial processes, thereby allowing to carry out fantastic (from today’s point of view) projects and products.

What scientists today created under the leadership of David Lee, just the beginning, a team of scientists agrees that for now it’s too much complicated and expensive process. However, the first iron the robot box was created with approximately the same difficulty and the greatest cost of time and money. However, time goes by and that’s it what scientists invent, is improving rapidly, moreover, this The improvement process is accelerating from year to year. So there is the hope that molecular robots will be widely used already directly in science and production not in decades, but, five years later. At least they themselves believe in it. creators of these fantastic micro-robots.

Time robots

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