Morgellon’s disease: attack of nanorobots?

Morgellon's disease: attack of nanorobots?A photo from open sources

Official medicine for a long time did not recognize this mysterious disease, considering it a myth or clouding of the mind. However the symptoms of Morgellon’s disease are real and tangible: in humans the whole body itches, it feels as if under the skin of someone creeps continuously, in places abscesses appear, from which they leave some fibers and dark grains.

Some wounds heal, but others immediately appear. Scientists still it is unknown why thousands of people around the world have these mysterious and inexplicable symptoms of how the disease transmitted and what is its causative agent.

Woman shows signs of movement of “worms” under skin

A photo from open sources

Official data on the phenomenon: Morgellons (English-speaking synonyms: Morgellons disease; unexplained dermopathy; in Russian-language media distributed an incorrect tracing “disease Morgellon “) – the name of a potential disease – dermopathy, proposed in 2002 by Mary Leitao.

Patients complain that insects crawl and bite on their skin or worms, and also claim to find some under their skin fiber. Most specialists, including dermatologists and psychiatrists consider Morgellons manifestations of known diseases, in including dermatozoon delirium.

The name of this mysterious disease comes from the name of the first sick — children from the Morgellon family living in Languedoc in XVII century. It manifested itself in the form of abscesses on the skin, of which black hairs stuck out. Then the doctors decided that the infection occurs due to swimming in polluted waters.

Some spores fell through the wounds under the skin of a person and developed there, creating a ramified web. This process was accompanied by severe pain. Growing up, something left the body of the infected through the same wounds, but at the same time left offspring that continued parasitize in the body, using it as an incubator.

In Russia, a similar disease grandmother healers called horse hair and treated it with aspen or alder ash. But this is all history. The current nature of Morgellon’s disease is completely different.


The Revelation of John the Evangelist says: “The first angel went and He poured his cup upon the earth: and they became cruel and disgusting purulent wounds on people who have the mark of the beast and worship his image. “And this revelation began to come true.

A photo from open sources

Nowadays, the first alarm bell rang in 2001, when American Mary Leytao discovered her young son over the lip an abscess from which a fiber sticks out, resembling dandelion fluff. Later, wounds began to appear throughout the child’s body, they burst and white, black and blue threads came out of them. The boy complained that insects creep under his skin.

An alarmed mother showed her son to doctors, demanding to appoint him antibiotic treatment, but doctors unanimously claimed that the child is not sick at all, and the mother suffers from Munchausen’s syndrome, trying to get attention this way. One doctor from the hospital John Hopkins wrote to his colleague: “I have not found any Andrew’s signs (anything suspicious). I would recommend Mrs. Leitao seek psychiatric advice whether Andrew is sick or not. I hope she will stop using his son in the exploitation of this contrived Problems”.

Since Mary worked as a laboratory assistant before pregnancy, she was able to examine under a microscope the hairs extracted from sores on the skin son. This allowed her to conclude that the fibers are not part of clothes, bed or toys – all that was in contact with her baby. The woman began to search for information. Soon she succeeded Find hundreds of people with similar symptoms online. Unifying Mary called their mysterious affliction Morgellon’s disease.

One of the patients describes the symptoms as follows: “In a person, the feeling that something is crawling on the skin and under the skin, and appearing from the skin, multicolored fibers seem to be living creatures, moreover reasonable. All this is accompanied by a sensation of tingling, burning and, most importantly, intolerable itching. These are such pains that if there were it’s possible, I would go for amputation of legs, just to get rid of everything of this. ”


Despite the fact that today the number of people affected Morgellon’s disease, estimated at thousands (16 thousand people, patients are present not only in all 50 US states, but also in Great Britain, Australia, the Netherlands), doctors for a long time were inactive, not taking seriously the obvious symptoms, explaining everything mental disorder. And only recently have individual specialists began to show interest and build versions of the appearance of the disease.

Symptoms of ailment are similar to shots from a horror movie: body ulcers with sticking out of them fibers of different colors, reminiscent of hairs, cobwebs, threads, and sometimes granules, grains or small bugs. But the worst thing is that these formations behave like living organisms that have some kind of intelligence. When trying to extract them from wounds they go deeper into the tissue, and at the place of their appearance remains a drop of instantly coagulated blood. In the places where they all come from but managed to pull out, there were scars on the skin.

A photo from open sources

Morgellon’s disease brings not only physical suffering, but also moral. It is characterized by chronic fatigue, causing patients to quit work and stay at home; a sharp decrease in mental abilities, especially memory; strong Depression, leading to the idea of ​​suicide; joint swelling muscle cramps and hair loss. Also sick has difficulty communicating even with family members.


There are many versions and conjectures as to where this misfortune came. Some researchers claim that the reason lies in genetically modified agricultural products. After all it is known that for its creation animals are embedded in plant genes genes. Others blame bacteria characteristic of plants: supposedly a person becomes infected from the soil or through ticks. Some sticks to the version that these are textile fibers trapped in sores from clothes and by some miracle revived.

Daniel Elkan in New Science magazine described one of patients who have been discovering ‘flexible fibers’ for years plastic, some wriggle in a zigzag fashion. They are thin as silk cobwebs, but strong enough to even break through the skin, if beyond pull them. “And some claim that Morgellon’s disease is a new type of biological weapon.

One way or another, there is no exact answer, but the patients, meanwhile, are walking to drastic measures: they burn furniture, clothes, etc. move to other houses, but a strange ailment does not recede.


In January 2008, the CDC awarded scientists a grant of 300,000 dollars for a 3-year study of Morgellon’s disease. The first researcher was Randy Wymore, who almost immediately managed to determine that this is not a mental disorder and not consequences of the use of GMOs, and not even harmful textile fiber. In addition, he completely rejected the assumption of worms and insects. Something parasitic on a person, according to Weimor, materializes inside the body.

However, even after a series of analyzes, the scientist could not determine the nature of the fibers. The material was passed to the forensics, they conducted a spectroscopic analysis, but it also did not reveal similarities with no known fiber, like later chromatographic analysis for organic origin. But all fibers from different patients were very similar to each other.

Some success in this area was achieved by V. Tsitovsky, professor Biochemistry, New York University. He determined that in the fibers there is a certain kind of gram-negative bacteria Agrobacterium These bacteria can transform plant and animal cells using a special plasmid.

The result of these bacteria can be clearly seen in the form growths on tree trunks, they are also used in gene engineering to create GMOs. According to researchers from State University of New York, Agrobacterium are a universal machine for gene transfer and the creation of alien proteins. Therefore, they can also change human DNA. Thus, they can be considered one of the probable causes of the disease. Morgellon. But this is only a theory.

And more recently, in 2012, Morgellon’s disease was finally recognized as a real problem. Were held studies of skin, hair, tissues and other material from patients with using modern equipment. Genetic errors have been identified in DNA of hair and skin cells. In addition, it became known that the fibers contain keratin (a structural protein of the skin), that is, the creator of them is the human body itself. They are not implanted in the skin. Perhaps their origin may be due to cross contamination of human DNA from GMOs.


Having determined that bacteria can be causative agents, scientists asked the question: how do they enter the body? So there was another, perhaps the most exotic version, that the reason is the so-called chemotracks – chemical traces, left in the sky by some mysterious aircraft. Amazing but no one knows for what purpose and what exactly these planes are spraying: either this is a new type of chemical weapon, or machinations aliens.

A photo from open sources

And the most incredible assumption: sprayed from the sky microscopic nanotechnology sensory sensors that enter the body with air and food person. Be that as it may, in people exposed to chemical trace, headache, nausea, fever, skin rashes appear etc.

And what we managed to find out further sounds completely scary. When compared the samples of chemotrace fibers and those extracted from a wound to the victims of Morgellon’s disease, it turned out that the fibers, sprayed from an airplane is a kind of germ of those that grow in the body of patients. That is, they are in the “pre-Morgellonian stages “, and those that are extracted from the wounds of the sick remind the thinnest nanowires.

And after some time, a shocking statement was made by Jeff Renee, radio host and laureate of the prestigious journalism award Peabody: He came up with a new definition of Morgellon’s disease.

Rene argues that Morgellon’s disease is a product of the invasion nanotechnology in a person from the outside, manifested in the form self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or “antennas” and other objects visible configurations, some of which transfer what may turn out to be genetically modified or spliced ​​DNA. Simply put, then nanorobots, getting into the human body, copy his cells, modify them and program DNA to create such modified cells.

Nanoparticles can enter the lungs, brain, and any other parts of the body. There they copy the DNA of microbes or cells, with which are contacted, producing even more bacteria, more cells, and by “self-assembly” turn into full-sized nanowires. And perhaps it is this growth and construction a person feels like someone’s fussing under his skin.

Nanorobots act cohesively as a single organism, according to the principle the hive, recharging from the bioelectric energy of the human body, fueled by its minerals and other elements. In addition, they able to receive information through microwaves, ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic field. Doctor Staninger believes that nanofibers can break down into nanoparticles and with blood penetrate the lungs, brain and other organs person.

It’s hard to hide from this disease. One of the researchers, doctor Castle believes millions of Americans are already carriers nanorobots. In his opinion, Morgellon’s disease affects about 1 000 people a day.

It is possible that all this is done to remotely produce psychotropic treatment of the population. Very convenient, because “smart dust” can penetrate anywhere, the more it can program chemically, that is, direct to a specific substance. Some sensors located on chemotracks may determine the target by smell or taste.

Then the information received from them is scanned using various rays: ultraviolet, x-ray and others – and being processed. Now work is underway to create sensors, able to identify a person by his individual smell. It’s hard to believe, but nanosensors are already capable of more than just hear, but also smell, and touch.

What can we expect? Technology does not stand still, they are developing, and unmanned aerial vehicles that are being created for reading sensors located on Earth, including in the human body can be like a huge space platform, and the size of a fly. In addition, these same technologies allow them to be invisible to radar. What we read about childhood in the books of famous science fiction writers, gradually comes to our a life. And the Morgellon disease, which is also called the nanotechnological epidemic is already here with us.


DNA Time Nanotechnology Insects Plants Russia Aircraft Chemtrails

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