Mourning cockatoo sat on a woman’s head

A mourning cockatoo sat on a woman’s headPhotos from open sources of

Young woman visiting Saxon Bird Sanctuary recently in Switzerland, suddenly met there with an unusual bird.

At a certain moment, a mourning cockatoo sat on the girl’s head Banks is a large black parrot found in the wild in Australia. Our heroine and her friend were amazed at what happened, so hastened to capture a strange bird on camera. Turning on the video below, you can see this scene with your eyes.

When an English-speaking tourist subsequently posted this video on Twitter, many social network users suddenly started to convince her that something frightening has happened. ‘Cause mourning Cockatoo got its name for a reason: it’s believed that this the bird is a harbinger of death, and if this parrot wished to fall on someone’s head (a rare case), then this person, they say, an imminent demise awaits. Therefore, many commentators recommended that our heroine prepare for the worst, if not completely order a coffin for yourself.

However, other Twitter regulars reassure the woman that all this, they say, stupid superstitions, and advise her not to respond to words of potential detractors. Most likely a black cockatoo, being a very smart and friendly bird, he just wanted something with her so get to know each other.

It is not known how the “fatal” girl herself reacted to such a unexpected superstitious activity on the occasion of the video she posted in The Internet, but this case proves once again that not all public selfies are good. Now, really, happen to that something extraordinary as a tourist, you don’t even understand who got into trouble – a funeral cockatoo or “well-wishers” from the World Wide Web …


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