Mushroom picker from Kostin teleported to 10 kilometers

The mushroom picker from Kostin teleported for 10 kilometersA photo from open sources

Last fall, a resident of Kirov, Ivan Kolesnikov, turned out to be at 10 kilometers from the place where I had to pick mushrooms. A miracle occurred on September 10th. At nine in the afternoon the man left minibuses and went for mushrooms to a place in front of the pond of the village Kostino. Moved to the BHZ area. “I have been going there for thirty years.” Reference point held at the ash dump of CHP-4. Before dinner, I noticed – the trees have grown, and instead of a landmark, a city dump. Then I realized that something wasn’t So. He appeared on the other side of the Moscow highway, although he remembered that he did not cross. He stood and wondered: how could I cross this the path is invisible, ”says Ivan Kolesnikov. Specialists define the prodigal place as a point of complete loss of spatial orientation. The size of such anomalies varies from 100-200 meters to 1-5 kilometers. For citizens rarely living in nature wandering, for example, in the forest is natural: there are no landmarks, the trees are similar, in addition, the step with one foot (usually the right one) in most people are a few centimeters shorter than the other, because which a person who does not have a directional direction cannot go in a straight line, and begins to describe circles 3-4 km in diameter. -Many similar cases are known all over the world. Sometimes such displacements in space are also accompanied by displacements in time. The causes and mechanisms of the anomaly remain to this day. obscure. However, a significant portion of such incidents cannot be attributed to abnormal, as they can be explained. Terrain features in combination with the human psyche sometimes give the effects of the “prodigal place,” commented the mushroom picker case. Yuri Kalinogorskiy, Team Leader Kirov-Cosmopoisk. One of The first cases of teleportation was recorded on October 25, 1593. On this day in the main square of the city of Mexico City in a crowd of people appeared soldier in the form of a guard of the Philippines. The modern teleport is Chinese Zhang Baosheng. He repeatedly moved objects and even living things flies that scientists have carefully recorded.


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