A photo from open sources
British researchers suggest “hit” the islands Florida Keys (archipelago off the coast of the United States) by millions genetically modified mosquitoes.
No, this is not a script for a future horror movie, this is a scientific experiment. Mutant mosquitoes will carry the virus at the gene level, with by which scientists plan to reduce the number of ordinary bloodsucking insects.
The DNA of such a modified mosquito will contain fragments E. coli and herpes. Mating with ordinary individuals, infected will create offspring that will not be able to breeding. As a result, entire populations of these insects will die out several generations.
Earlier in the Cayman Islands, which are uninhabited, preliminary experiments of this kind were carried out. They gave amazing result: the mosquito population decreased here by 96 (!) percent.
As for Florida, the residents of nearby The peninsula of the same name has some concerns. In reply scientists say: genetically modified mosquitoes are absolutely safe for humans. But the benefits of destroying these blood-sucking insects that carry many diseases (in particular dengue fever, which is currently spreading during Florida) is very large. By the way, modifying mosquitoes costs cheaper than using pesticides or drugs to combat consequences of mosquito bites infected with the same fever dengue.
DNA Insects