Photo from open sources
Residents of the Scottish village of Basby in the county of East Renfrewshire were shocked when in the morning of September 26 on their site fell from the sky a huge block of ice, forming a massive crater in the garden.
The Hellwell family had a quiet breakfast when they heard outside a loud whistle, replaced by a deafening explosion, from which windows shook glass. When the Scots looked out into the garden, they saw there is a one and a half meter funnel filled with white “stones”.
A photo from open sources
Only after leaving the house and examining the suddenly formed pit, the owners realized that they were not stones, but large pieces of ice. Spouses Ross and Lindsay were simultaneously scared and grateful fate for the fact that outside at the time of the fall of the block they were not daughters of Eliza and Nuala. Be it a day off and the girls would play in the morning early in the garden, not going to school, and end it all it could be very tragic. However, despite the fact that misfortune spared the family, the Hellwells still decided to apply for clarification to the staff of the nearest weather station.
A photo from open sources
Experts have suggested that the ice could fall from the plane. Say, when the airplane is at high altitude, at ice may fall on its body, which will fall down when lowering the aircraft into warmer air layers. Not less, this explanation can hardly be considered true one by one simple reason: the same giant ice fell from the sky in many parts of the earth long before the invention of the first aircraft. Moreover, the pilots themselves and the creators of the aircraft categorically deny such an opportunity. One explanation remains – aliens …