Mysterious boulder found in Krasnodar

A mysterious boulder was found in KrasnodarPhotos from open sources of

To the representatives of the Russian Geographical Society in the city Armavir Krasnodar Territory handled a very unusual a question.

Krasnodar Alexander Bezrukavy reports that he accidentally took possession of an amazing artifact that might interest specialists. According to the man, the find was made by him in the summer last year. Alexander, swimming in a local river, found at the bottom unique boulder and was not too lazy to pull it ashore.

The weight of the block is about a centner. According to the Sleeveless, he had never seen anything like it in his life before. On the stone it turned out to be a mysterious convex ornament, which is clearly man-made. The author of the find is convinced that these are some hieroglyphs – perhaps plotted on a boulder by our distant ancestors or even representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. At least it’s known that this mysterious writing is not related to modern languages.

A photo from open sources

All lines on the block are double, separated strictly in the middle. At a closer look seems that the alleged inscription is cast from metal, however a careful electromagnetic analysis shows that this is not true. Alexander has already provided an artifact to others researchers of similar artifacts, but those only managed to find out that the rock fragment is about three seconds old half a thousand years old.

Can scientists explain the origin of the boulder?

Miracle Stone was also shown to experts in the field of cryptography. They are, no matter how they tried, they didn’t find any details on an incomprehensible ornament, which would indicate that this is really about writings. However, how do they know the features of any alien language? “Green men” are known to have completely different, very different from ours, writing rules texts.

Or maybe this is not a text at all, but a drawing, map or drawing, the meaning of which we have yet to comprehend.

A photo from open sources

According to the author of the find, a stone can hide valuable information about the presence of gold or any other, much more valuable elements. That’s why sleeveless and decided to resort to the help of members of the Armavir branch of the Russian geographical society. The latter are seriously interested artifact and brought to his study all his friends science.

Skeptics, of course, claim that all these characters are the result natural deposits of minerals on the stone. But what’s more interesting total: the block as if emits some kind of vibrating heat, which it is impossible to catch with the equipment, but which is easily felt by man. How are materialists going to explain this? ..

Ancient artifacts stones

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