Mysterious celestial anomaly has become a subject web discussions

The mysterious celestial anomaly has become the subject of discussion on the WebA photo from open sources

Specialists of the American ufological organization “Mutual UFO Network “posted on its website photos in which either a mysterious celestial anomaly or unusual alien “flying saucer”. Experts report that these frames were received December 3 in the vicinity of the Canadian city Yellowknife. Unique shots quickly spread around the world the web, collecting thousands of comments from web users.

The Canadian, who sent these images to ufologists, says that visited recently in the evening the Great Slave Lake. Being on the shore of a vast reservoir, a man suddenly saw in the sky a huge luminous ball, similar to the moon. However, it was not Selena, because she was in a completely different part of the sky. In addition, a glowing light appeared over an unidentified object. a vertical beam, the length of which must have been several hundreds of meters. An eyewitness hastened to photograph this several times amazing heavenly phenomenon. He claims to be next to him there was a relative who was really scared the appearance of a UFO or, as she thought, a mysterious heavenly sign, and I wanted to leave as soon as possible, without giving our hero a better look, What is it.

A photo from open sources

Well-known ufologist Scott Waring suggests that Big Slave Lake for some reason interested in that an evening of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Maybe the green little men “there is an underwater base. Or maybe aliens went here to stock up on water. Unidentified flying objects repeatedly noticed pumping moisture out of fresh reservoirs. Some conspiracy theorists even claim that this is one of steps of an alien plan to destroy humanity, – critically reduce our drinking water supplies.

However, there were supporters of a relative of the author of the pictures, who are sure that the canadian was lucky to remove some a heavenly sign, for example, of the approaching Apocalypse.

Or maybe this is another hologram created as part of the project Bluebeam? ..

Water Moon Scott Waring

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