Mysterious fire divided in the sky into several tailed balls

The mysterious fire divided into several in the skyA photo from open sources

The following video was received on June 1 this year. years in the American city of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Local residents and visitors witnessed a startling phenomenon: in a mysterious fire suddenly caught fire in the night sky, which soon divided into five “tailed” balls, which continued to move along black sky, each in its own direction.

According to eyewitnesses, these balls behaved deliberately, as if intelligent creatures, and inspired the observers to some mystical fear. Although the opinions of people as a sweat user of the World web, divided:

  • Of course, many immediately thought that these unidentified Flying objects are alien aircraft. Surprised and the scarecrow is different – why do they behave as aggressively as if Earth planes before the attack;
  • according to others, we are talking about energy entities from another dimension, which for some unknown reason broke into our world. And although they behave quite reasonably, this is completely alien us a “life” that can come into contact with us unless on subconscious level;
  • the most devout people certainly thought of a religious miracle, or even a warning in view of the approaching Apocalypse;
  • materialists, of course, believe that this is a natural phenomenon, perhaps very rare, but what wonder when our planet just about to change the pole and the devil knows what starts to happen on it. However, even skeptical skeptics admit that before us there cannot be fireworks, drones or Chinese lanterns.

What is it then? If you believe some ufologists like the famous George Graham, UFO data must have extraterrestrial origin, however one should not expect a sensation: politicians and scientists will completely ignore what happened. They will also remain silent in case of an unexplained natural phenomenon, not to mention religious miracle. Therefore, everyone has the right to decide for himself – what this is. Himself, according to the promptings of his heart-intuition. it the only source of correct answers to any situations and manifestations …

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