Mysterious object near the famous “Zones-51”

A mysterious object near the famousPhoto from open sources

Virtual archaeologists-researchers of all paranormal thanks to the Google Map service found near the famous Nevada’s US-51 Secret Base Is Quite Weird an object that many of them immediately called “an alien by ship. ”

The find actually has a strange shape, but any earthly the design may look quite bizarre if not for one “but” – this structure was found near the base, which has already become a parable in town hall. However, the research team at SecureTeam10, After conducting my independent study of this object, I came to the conclusion that it is located 800 kilometers from Zone 51, and specifically – in area of ​​china lake california so no relation to a secret base may not have.

A photo from open sources

However, users of the World Wide Web immediately picked up information and began to make various assumptions about what it is. The most skeptical users believe that around “Zone 51” rises too much noise out of thin air. At first, the object is too far from the secret base. Secondly, American the military is not stupid to flaunt something alien (they don’t know about the Google Map service and other cartographic modern applications?) A strange object may well be what anything, for example, by a reservoir.

Opponents of skeptics do not agree with this version, since for reservoir object looks too fancy and then it was not here a few days ago (the area around “Zone-51” viewed by virtual researchers constantly and very carefully). Moreover, in another cartographic application, this the object looks even more mysterious, causing a lot of questions. IN in general, the topic has remained open, while open, I think something is yes will become clear in the coming days. At least we will hope so …

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