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Monday night for residents of British cities Bristol, Taunton and Yate became truly unusual, bordering on science fiction.
A photo from open sources
Whether in the sky above these settlements of England rainbow, or some kind of cosmic phenomenon, and this mysterious the pink semicircle attracted the attention of millions of Britons the street to admire an amazing natural phenomenon.
A photo from open sources
Misty Albion scientists at a loss as scientific neither the meteorologists nor the mysterious rainbow can explain researchers, say, of the Earth’s atmosphere, much less astronomers. Since today, researchers of all stripes have only theories about this pink semicircle, then the official version is for now considered an “optical illusion.”
A photo from open sources
Some Britons even thought it was approaching Earth the mysterious planet Nibiru and in this way makes itself felt others, the most faithful in God, believe that the Lord sends us signs of the approaching Apocalypse. The rest of the English felt that this is just a gift from Nature, and that he turned out really beautiful and admirable. Perhaps Nature just rewarded them for something (say, for kind thoughts), having pleased on a pleasant summer evening with some zest of light representation. And nothing more …
A photo from open sources