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In 1969, a book by a Latvian emigrant was published in Germany, psychologist Konstantin Raudiv “Turning an inaudible signal into audible. “In it, the scientist described his method of communication with the other world with the help of electronic devices. IN K. Raudive cited numerous mysterious facts in his work. radio messages and substantiated the theory of how radio communications allow you to receive messages “from the other world”, although before it It turned out only in mediums. However, the Latvian psychologist was not the first to discover the mysterious radio signal phenomenon. Over a decade before the publication of the book of K. Raudiv, the Swedish film director Friedrich Jurgenson while listening to his bird recordings he heard a distinct male voice from the tape on trill giving a lecture on ornithology. The filmmaker’s suggestion that the tape recorder could catch the broadcast of one of the cognitive radio broadcasts, it was not confirmed – on that day, none of the radio stations I didn’t send messages on this topic. This phenomenon is so struck and captivated F. Jurgenson that he passionately proceeded to experiments with sound recording equipment, resulting in after five years, a lot of researchers have accumulated in the library nosy notes. The result of unusual experiments by F. Jurgenson was his book “Radio Communication with the Beyond World”, which caused numerous disputes and criticisms. Despite the full the silence that official science honored this publication, enthusiasts interested in mysterious from the mid 50s of the 20th century with enviable regularity began to note similar cases that occurred in different parts of the world. So, in 1963, a group of American Travelers recorded in Lhasa the performance of one of the Tibetan lamas. After the pilgrims found that together with the voice of Tibetan clergyman taped another voice, singing read text in an unfamiliar language. Upon returning home travelers showed the record to linguists, and those made an amazing assumption that the language in which he was broadcasting a mysterious voice, could well refer to a long disappeared from distant phonemic usage resembling Sanskrit. Radio waves from nowhere however unexplained radio messages were recorded long before wide distribution of audio recording technology. For example, in 1942 Mark Ameson – radio operator of an English submarine patrolling the waters of the St George Strait, at a secret frequency suddenly heard the voice of his late father Joseph. Familiar to Mark since childhood voice several times clearly repeated the phrase: “Save yourself, little sparrows.” Radio operator shocked not even the striking similarity of the timbre of voice with his father, and the fact that he called Mark exactly as his dad called him in childhood – sparrows. The radio operator reported a strange message to the captain, and through an hour during the ascent, their ship was attacked by a German submarine. IN that sea battle only three members of the English crew survived submarines. Among them was Ameson, who soon picked up British patrol ship. A similar incident occurred in the spring of 1939 years on the Norwegian merchant ship Emilia, located in the North sea. The former captain turned to the ship’s radio team a ship that died six months ago. Male voice with characteristic hoarsely warned the crew of an impending storm, after which dissolved in strong radio interference. In 1932 in the American the press there were reports that the radio amateur from Chicago John Raid caught on a short wave the voice of President George Washington, introduced himself to Raid and even allegedly reporting an imminent fall share price of one metallurgical company, a major holder which raid was. The radio amateur first reacted to this message as someone’s skillfully organized joke. However on just in a hurry to get rid of the stock. And soon it was unspeakable surprised to learn about the bankruptcy of the same company. Modern mysticism Many mysterious cases associated with mysterious votes on the air, is fixed in our days. In particular, in 1998 year, a group of climbers from Krasnodar climbed a mountain Macapu in Nepal. During the installation of the assault tent on At an altitude of 7900 meters, one of the climbers earned a walkie-talkie. This the fact aroused considerable amazement among the members of the expedition, since the only communication facility was a satellite telephone. Soon through the wheezing that came from the radio, harmonious singing male, not female voices, performing amazing, unearthly in beauty, a melody that bewitched everyone who heard it. Singing lasted about half a minute, and then abruptly cut off, and the walkie-talkie was silent again. In 2000 during a training flight Russian strategic bomber near the city of Kimry the crew suddenly heard a fast German speech on the air, interrupted by very emotional remarks in Russian. IN that moment the pilots got the feeling that they became audio witnesses of a hot air battle. Through the hassle and strong Russian mat even heard the noise of the engines of winged cars. Here there was a loud and short cry, and the ether died down. Guesses assumptions … Back in the early 50s of the 20th century, two catholic priests recorded on tape Gregorian chants, while listening, I heard voices on it acquaintances, but by then already dead people. Priests reported about this fact to Pope Pius XII, to which the head of the Catholics reasonably remarked: the existence of votes is a strictly scientific fact, not having nothing to do with spiritualism. And since the tape recorder absolutely objective, it only records sound waves, wherever they come from … Over the next half century, repeated attempts to scientifically explain the phenomenon electronic “voices of Raudive”, so named after a person, who devoted much effort to research in this area. In the 70s of the last century, a number of German and French psychiatrists put forward the hypothesis that this phenomenon is one of numerous forms of auditory hallucinations arising from mental disorders. At the same time, a physicist from Germany Peter Stein suggested near-Earth existence the space of a wave data bank, a dense blanket enveloping the planet. In this bank indefinitely are stored as sounds ever occurring in different corners of the earth, as well as images that require special viewing, equipment not yet invented. Already at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries a number Western physicists have developed this assumption, arguing that The Universe is an inexhaustible repository of information about all events that took place in its immeasurable expanses. Supporters of the mystical hypothesis are occultists, mediums and psychics – are convinced that electronic voices are peculiar echoes of the other world, the inhabitants of which in a similar way trying to prove to people on earth that there is no death, but there is endless evolution. “Secrets of the twentieth century. Golden series” 2011 g.
Germany time