A photo from open sources
Actually, this mysterious event happened on November 11, but only today journalists started talking about him, as they say, in hearing Before that, scientists carefully concealed this information, since it was too controversial, difficult to explain – abnormal.
At the bottom of the Indian Ocean that day, seismologists recorded strange buzz (no other more precise definition has been found yet), whose origin remains in doubt until now. Center The source of the rumble was near Mayotte Island (Comoros, located between Madagascar and Africa). Waves from the source reached not only Africa or New Zealand, but also South America, and even Canada.
Despite the fact that a mysterious phenomenon was visible on the screens seismographs from many countries of the world, which seemed like a powerful earthquake, not a single person anywhere (including on the island Mayotte) did not feel any ground vibrations or tremors. That’s what says Goran Extrem, a Colombian seismologist University, which just specializes in abnormal aftershocks and movements of the earth’s crust:
Seismic waves in this case were monochromatic and low frequency that happen as echoes of powerful earthquakes, but none in this area observed recently, moreover, people themselves do not noticed that is very strange. This is one of the most mysterious. seismic phenomena that I know …
Currently, scientists around the world are trying to solve this a riddle, and since several more or less have already appeared believable scientific versions, then the news has finally lost signature stamp and became available to the general public.
But her mystery did not decrease from this, all three versions: “slow” earthquake, magma movement under the island of Mayotte, eruption of an underwater volcano – at least with a stretch and explain this phenomenon, but are not unique, but the event itself – unique!
A photo from open sources
The version of the fall of a large one seems even more fantastic. meteorite, which for some reason was not noticed by scientific astronomers. But because none of the proposed versions can be considered fully reliable. We will not go into details about what they say conspiracy theorists and independent researchers, we only emphasize: when scientists cannot explain something, it immediately gives rise to mass speculation and the most incredible conclusions. Today it is even more so. easy to do, because in the world generally happens, as they say, the devil knows that starting from mysterious fires in California that for some reason, they also mysteriously spread to Australia (evacuation by this reason Queensland population), before the strange floods in Greece (due to the Penelope storm), where, incidentally, is almost next to floods show severe frosts and snowfalls. Land “going crazy”? Or is it all the effects of climate tests and tectonic weapons? ..
Africa Earthquake Time The islands